Chapter 1- A boring Thursday

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Slumping down in my chair, I spin around, almost knocking Nicky off her seat. My god, Thursdays are the most boring days in the whole wide spectrum of boredom. Ms Filkinson is writing algebraic equations up on the whiteboard, looking tired as ever. The class is still half asleep, and the teacher is too. I fiddle with a roll of tape that I stole from the science lab as Nicky glares at me.

"Hey! You almost knocked me off the seat, you asshole!"

"Well sorry. What's the big deal?"

"Ms Filkinson!" she shrieks, like my 6 year old brother having a tantrum.

"Yes, Nicky?"

Ms Filkinson is a really tired teacher, she's always over it, and never really wants to be here. Teaching a bunch of freshmans doesn't make it much better, even if we're 'advanced' students. By advanced, I mean smart, well sort of. We're learning sophomore maths this year.

"Lara almost kicked me off my chair!" Nicky continues, whining until my eardrums fall on the floor from the severe amount of annoying.

"Lara, please apologise to Nicky, before the entire school hears her shrieking'', Ms Filkinson sighs, rubbing her ears and frowning.

The whole class snickered at Nicky, who kept sulking while sitting back properly in her chair.

"That's not fair! I didn't do anything wrong!" Nicky whined again, and then the entire class burst into giggles.

Ms Filkinson taught some more algebra and Nicky continued to sulk and glare at me, trying her hardest to hold back any tears wanting to come through. I bite my lip to block a smile.

Last year was a bad year, full of stupid, and I mean stupid, 8th graders, who were just so damn, for lack of a better word, cringey. I remember Ms Roberts, my maths teacher last year, and she was a total ass. She hated me, even though I got good-ish grades on almost every test and exam. Why did she even hate me?

Well, I guess I was pretty dumb...


My friends and I stood on our tables, as some type of stupid rebellious act.

The teachers were trying to give us detention for swearing.

Yeah, swearing.

Minutes later, it was confirmed. Every teacher hated us. But the students on the other hand, that's a completely different story. Apart from Lea, Madison, and Chasity. Those three are the mean girls.

"Ugh, you stupid idiots! Why are you supporting them?! They don't care about you!" Madison screamed, clearly jealous of our new-found... popularity?

"Don't worry Madi, they'll all realise soon", Chasity said, attempting to reassure her.

*end of flashback*

If you want to know more about the so-called 'mean girls', here's some info...

Lea is the annoying one, but she is ten times meaner than any of them, ten times richer and a bit bigger too. Her hair is brownish-red, and she has blue eyes.

Madison is the leader, with dusty blonde hair, green eyes, light freckles, and a jawline sharp enough to cut someone. She and Lea are always together, in Lea's hugeass mansion of course.

Then there's Chasity, She's adorable honestly, but she has kind of a Barbie doll personality. She's the 3rd wheel, and let's be honest, she deserves way better friends. She has wavy platinum blonde hair and soft blue eyes.

There's also our friend group...

I'm Lara, the biggest asshole of the whole school. I have heapings of tangled red hair and grey eyes, which is just kinda meh. I wouldn't say I'm mean, but teachers often say I have a bit of an 'attitude problem' when my report cards come in. They also say I'm too loud and a shitty listener. But that's not important.

My best friend is Chanel. She is kind of an... Idiot? I know that sounds mean and all, but honestly, I'm surprised she's not dead yet. She's got curly brown hair, dark brown eyes, and heaps of freckles.

Then there's Sophie, the only smart one out of all of us. Funnily enough, she's Chasity's non-identical twin. She has a white blonde bob, with purple eyes. Purple eyes are really rare, but Sophie's actually albino. She is the most organised out of our group too. She has lists and plans that go on for decades. 

Lastly out of the girls, we have Amber. She's the friend group's model, like, she literally does modelling. She's freaking gorgeous and we all kind of envy her a little. Amber has curly ombre hair, with the most beautiful blue-green eyes.

Chanel, Sophie and I are in the same maths class, so you can tell Ms Filkinson has assloads of annoying to put up with. Sadly, we've still got 10 minutes until lunch, so I twist sideways in my seat, and lean back until my head touches the ground. I can see Sophie, on her phone, and Chanel sitting in front of her, totally out of it. Chanel notices me and grins, rolling a piece of paper on the ground. It hits Jacob's foot, who's sitting diagonal from me. Damn.

Jacob's one of our friends, but he's also a popular boy, well more like 'King Popular boy', which means he sits with us most of the time, but he still has those asshole jock friends of his. He's heaps of fun, but he's still an ass. I can't believe Chanel dated him last year. But like I said, she's kind of a dumbass.

He looks at Chanel in confusion with his azure eyes, and then, flicking his sandy blonde hair out of the way, he turns to look at me. I cringe at him, knowing what's coming next. He unrolls the paper, reads it, and then looks at it, laughing. Chanel sighs again, mouthing at me, "now we're screwed". Jacob rolls the piece of paper in my direction, and I pick it up, scowling at him.

"Something fell out of Nicky's diary, it says 'Nick and Nicky together forever <3<3<3' omfg kill me", the paper says.

"Holy shit" Jacob wrote.

Nick is my guy best friend. He has light brown hair and hazel eyes. He's part of our friend group and the popular boys, along with Jacob, but no one has ever liked him before because they all think that he's my boyfriend- even though he's really not- and apparently I have some type of reputation for being a crazy bitch, thanks to freaking Madison. Now that someone likes him, things are going to get a whole lot weirder. Now I know why Nicky hates me so much.

She's liked Nick the entire time.

a/n: I know this first chapter isn't a masterpiece but I promise it does get better!! I wanted to make the first couple of chapters some cringy 'middle school' type of drama to show everyone's character growth at the end. also lol don't mind the header photo.

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