Chapter 4- 'lunch party'

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a/n: Hey guys, I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year!! Let's hope this year will be better than the last :)

Also quick disclaimer this chapter is PRETTY LONG, it's gonna be my longest one yet actually. But my future chapters will definitely be shorter so don't worry lol 


I got up quickly, and went to my bathroom to wash my face. I look at myself in the mirror and see red all around my eyes.

All I can hear in my head is the sound of the gun going off as I text every single one of my friends to meet me in the park in half an hour. I get ready as fast as I can and try not to think about my bad dream, but it doesn't work. When I blink, all I can see are my friends and family not being able to see me. It's horrible.

"Lara, where are you going?" my mom huffed angrily.


"It's a school night, you can't do that!" my mom yells.

I walk irritatedly out the front door, turning to the park. I run all the way there, looking at my phone nervously. I try to read through my friends' replies but I can't keep still. I reach the park and sit down on a bench. Nick sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to say that. I overreacted", he says.

"It's fine, I'm sorry too", I sigh, looking down at the ground.

"Hey guys, what's up? I got your text Lara", Amber interrupts.

"It's not much, we just have to wait till everyone else gets here", I mumble.

"Ok, but if we're gonna wait, we might as well have fun. You guys are such a bore!" Amber smirks.

"Nah, I'll stay here", I say.

"Ok... Nick, are you coming?"

"Sure", he replies.

Nick and Amber run around on the playground like happy young children. But after a while, I spot Chanel and Louis.

"Hey guys!" shouts Chanel.

"Hey fam!" Nick and Amber shout back.

I just stare and smile at all of my friends, but my best friend can feel that something's wrong.

"Ok, I can tell you're worried, so stop pretending you're not. Let's get straight to the point here. What's wrong? You can tell me anything Lara, you know that for a fact", Chanel says stiffly.

"It's just something about the 'unpopular' kids. It's like they're getting to me or something, but I don't know why", I explain.

"What? That's total bull! How can that happen Lara? You're our 'asshole of the year!'" she grins softly.

"I don't know, but I did have a chat with Ziggy after school, and that's kind of why I texted you all", I responded.

"Lara, why would you talk with Ziggy?"

"She was just trying to..."

"Hey everybody! We got the text! We're here now!" Sophie, Arthur and Jacob interrupt, walking to the playground from different directions.

"Oh, hey guys!" I yell softly.

"Hey!!" everyone else shouts.

"So what are we meeting here for? Is something special happening?" they ask.

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