Chapter 19- guess who

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a/n: OML YALL I'M SO SORRY I FORGOT TO UPLOAD IT'S BEEN A WHILE 😫 I've been so so busy with being back at school and I literally have exams coming up soon which is kinda scary 😖 but uh yeah hope you enjoy this chapter and i'll try to upload as often as I can but there may be some inactive periods just cuz life and shit but hope you enjoy ❤️


It's finally Wednesday morning, and the four of us are buzzing with both nervousness and excitement.

"God, I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like so long that I almost forgot the point of why we're doing this", Chanel buzzes.

"Look, the only reason we're doing this is for more information, and it won't even be good information. It'll probably be the type of information that's so creepy it sends chills down your spine", I shiver thinking about Kiki's file.

"You were the one that made the plan Lara, so you obviously have a reason for doing this", Nick points out.

"Well yeah, but only because I wanna know why she's attacking me, so I can figure out how to stop her from trying to murder me. Maybe then my life can go back to normal", I sigh.

"Oh trust me. As long as Kiki's still in our lives, we don't have a chance of our lives 'returning back to normal'. I barely even remember what we did before this whole Kiki thing happened", Nick scoffs.

"All I remember is that we were fuckin stupid bro. Like we were just stereotypical dumb freshmen still recovering from that cringe fest of middle school. I ain't going back to that", Chanel snorts in derision.

"So you'd rather have a sociopath chasing us around than be cringy?" I ask sarcastically.

"I wanna say yeah but I don't think that's the right answer", Chanel hesitates, her voice fading a little bit.

I shake my head at her and scoff.

After finishing our first 2 classes of the day, we all meet up at our interval spot with the rest of our friend group and eat some snacks. Sophie shows up with an ice cream in hand.

"So, did you guys plan anything last night?" she asks, collapsing down on the bench with us.

"Yeah, we actually have a pretty decent plan believe it or not", I answer.

"Ooh, can we hear?" Amber asks curiously.

The four of us stare at each other wondering if we should tell them or not.

"We'll tell you all the details tomorrow, that way you can see how it goes as well", Nick answers for all of us.

Sophie sighs.

"Sure, why not", she shrugs.

We get our snacks out, eating and chatting till the bell rings for our third period class.

"Shit, I have Food tech again", Amber groans.

I sigh and swing my back over my shoulder as I get up, dragging Amber off the bench.

"And I have the shitfest that goes by the name of 'Physics'. Let's go", I sigh, pulling Amber up.

As soon as I sit down, we're given an assignment. The teacher doesn't even give us any instructions or help. She just slouches back onto her chair. Miss Harley is fine and all, but sometimes she's just a really bad teacher.

I pick up the work and skim through it. Damn that's a lot. I'll probably have to finish that for homework, even though I won't have the time to do it tonight so I'll have to make up some dumb excuse for my teacher. That's an interesting conversation to look forward to tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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