Chapter 10- Ice cream Machine

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a/n: omfg it has been a hectic few weeks- shit i have not updated in literally forever 😖 this took me literally ages to write but I did also write chapter 11 and 12 during these past few weeks so you'll be expecting those soon hopefully lol 😃 anyway this chapter is supposed to be kinda fun so just enjoy and please vote and comment if you do!!


I just can't catch a break, can I? Kiki's eye stares at me through the slot of the cabinet and I slowly back away. I'm all alone now. But she doesn't move. She doesn't even try to come for me. I tilt my head to try and get a better view of the inside of the cabinet.

I look deep into her big jade eyes. She stares back at me with either vengeance or fear in her eyes. Full of mystery. I think about what she said earlier.

"You're mine. You can only be mine."

It plays over and over in my head. I can't get it out. It plays again and again and again until I'm sliding down against the wall covering my ears in distress. Kiki looks at me with a blank expression on her face, all emotion gone. But the noise won't stop. I can't make it stop. It plays again and again and again and again and it doesn't stop. I'm sitting in the middle of the reception in tears, rocking back and forth and back and forth trying to get the sound to stop. But it won't. So I take deep breaths in and out, and slowly, ever so slowly, I start to calm down. I try to get up again. My legs are all wobbly and I'm stumbling around like a lost baby deer. I keep stumbling my way to the exit of the reception. Then I hear a crack, and I fall to the ground for the third time this month. Great.

I can hear voices. Voices of middle-aged ladies. I open my eyes ever so slightly and can see figures leaning over me. One of them picks me up and I close my eyes again.

I wake up inside the nurse's office and look straight at the clock. It's lunchtime. I turn around to see Chanel grinning at me on the edge of the bed.

"I would ask what happened to you but I think I already know the answer", Chanel shakes her head.

"Jeez, how long have I been out?" I sit up, groaning.

"Almost the whole day. Hey, want some milk?" she offers out of absolutely nowhere.

"That's so random. But, sure, why not?"

She tosses me the carton of milk.

"I got it from the cafeteria but then I was like, nah, I want a coffee"

I sigh a big long sigh.

Chanel then looks at me, studying my face.

"It was Kiki again, wasn't it?"


I wonder how she knows.

"The nurse's report just says that you've rolled your ankle. What, did she grab onto your leg?"

"No, I fell up the stairs"

"Up the stairs? Up? Don't you mean down?"


She stifles a laugh.

"Seriously? I rolled my ankle and you just laugh? What a great friend you are"

But she doesn't hear me. She's laughing. Hard. Then I lean over and whack her arm.

"What was that for?"

I stare at her irritatedly with a big fat frown slapped across my face. She grins and slides over to my side of the bed. I sit up properly and remove the ice pack lying across my foot so I can go over and lean on Chanel. We sit like that for a moment, and in that moment, I feel like I can relax just a little bit more, knowing that my friends have got my back.

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