Chapter 12- Elodie

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a/n: my mom found my wattpad acc and started reading my book LMFAO- but ya anyway guys this chapter was pretty fun to write and i've been loving writing the friend group dynamics cuz like some of these people are way too funny lol 😃 but ya as always votes and comments are appreciated and i hope you guys enjoy!!



That's the noise I hear as we all crash to the ground. Immediately I feel a sharp pain in my back from smashing into the concrete. My ears start to ring.

Kiki's head crashes to the concrete road and blacks out. Nick just gets up and looks at Kiki to make sure she's out. My ears are still ringing, but Nick gives me his hand and I take it. As soon as I stand up, the world starts spinning.

"Woah, are you good Lara?" Nick stands me up as I fall back on him.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just dizzy"

I start to regain a little bit of focus, and now I can see more of Nick's face, instead of a yellow smudge.

"So, what are we gonna do about this blob of flesh lying unconscious in the middle of the road?" he asks, laughing slightly.

"I have an idea, but it's a bit, strange"

"Stranger than what just happened to us?"


"Ok, this is definitely stranger than what just happened to us, probably illegal as well", Nick says, as we stare at Kiki, tied up with Muffin's leash in my backyard.

"This is definitely illegal, but it's not like you have a better idea. We just need answers, then we'll let her go"

"You know what, let's call everyone. We can use all the help we can get", Nick grabs his phone out of his pocket.

I grab my phone as well, and send a text to the group chat.

"Beat you to the punch", I stick my tongue out at Nick playfully.

He rolls his eyes.

Soon enough our friends start to reply.

"Why do we need to come over now? Can't we come over later?" Louis texts.

"What do you mean? Why is Kiki at your house?" Chanel replies.

"Just. Come. Over." I text back.

After a while, our friends start showing up at my house. Soon, they're all standing in my yard, looking at an unconscious Kiki.

"So? What are we supposed to do about this?" Sophie asks.

"I don't know, I thought that maybe we could interrogate her, or whatever" I say randomly.

"Interrogate her? What sort of shit idea is that?" Louis yells.

"You know what? Let's just figure it out when she wakes up", I reason.

"I think you mean if she wakes up. She looks pretty dead to me", Jacob points out.

"What do you know about 'dead'? You thought she was dead when you 'Jackie Channed' her ass!" Chanel shouts, clearly annoyed.

"For God's sake calm down! We're not gonna get anywhere if yall keep up your squabbling." Nick yells.

They all look at him and then shut up. We sit down and wait for a while until Kiki wakes up.

When she finally comes to, she looks exhausted, but she's still not talking, so I go ahead and poke her with a stick.

"Really? A stick?" Amber questions.

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