Chapter 15- we'll get her another time

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a/n: OMG I'M FINALLY OFF SCHOOL FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS- I'll probably be updating more now since I have the time but what's really dumb is that my math teacher told me we'll be having a graphs test literally the first week back so fml 😃 i've also noticed that there's a whole lotta random dialogue and sarcastic quips in this story so idk i kinda wanna limit it but i'm also like nah i like the friend group dynamics and dialogue so whatever :) anyway enjoy!!


I bite my fingernails so nervously and replay what they said in my head.

"We'll get her another time"

"We'll get her another time"

"We'll get her another time"

My heartbeat rises gradually and I pace around the door nervously.

I shouldn't open it.

I can't open it.

I look through a curtain to see who it is.

"Lara? Open up! I know you're in there", Madi yells from the other side of the door.

I open the door, sighing.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm ditching"

"Again? Didn't you ditch on like, Monday?"

"Well yeah but like... Uh..."


"It doesn't matter, ok? I just... I just wanted to come by, to say that I'm sorry for all the things I said over the years. Just, all of it", she apologizes, breathing heavily.

"Why would you do that? We've been rivals for years, and there's nothing that could've happened for you to just turn your whole life around and actually apologize to someone", I reason.

She just stares at me nervously and then runs down the street for no reason at all.

"And I thought that my rivals couldn't get any weirder", I roll my eyes and shut the door.

I spend the rest of the day at home lounging in my hoodie and sweatpants, just watching Netflix and relaxing. It's been a while since I've had time to actually sit back and relax, and even if I did have the time, I probably would've done something stupid to waste that spare time away. I sit up, grabbing my bowl of chips off the coffee table so it can snuggle into my lap, and I grab my iPad off the pile of cushions. 20 texts from the group chat. 3 missed calls. I think I should probably turn my iPad off silent, since my phone was stolen. Then I look at the time. Wow. It's already 3:30. I'm guessing that Chanel and Nick will be here soon.

And just like that someone knocks on the front door.

"Laraaaa! You're not dead in there yet, are you?" Chanel shouts in a sing-songy way.

"Yeah, hopefully we don't find the psychotic Walker family standing over your dead body when we walk in", Nick snickers.

I roll my eyes for the thousandth time this year and open the door.

"You know we're just joking", Chanel reassures me.

"Yeah yeah" I mock.

They walk inside and dump their bags on the couch. We all collapse onto the couch and get our phones out.

"So, how are you? Still traumatized for life?" Chanel says after about 10 minutes of silence.

"I guess I'm fine. I've just had a headache all day"

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