Chapter 11- oh balls

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a/n: heyyyy guysssss im back again lol- I spent more time than I expected editing this chapter so sorry it took a while. Like I said in my last chapter I'm actually done with chapter 12 as well so that will hopefully be coming to you guys in a few days 😩 fyi sometimes these chapters will seem kinda slow but this book is also technically teen fiction so I do like adding small comedy segments and just some dumb stuff ahhaah

But ya like always please comment and share and I hope you enjoy ❤️


I stare at Madison until we make eye contact. Then her eyes widen. She nervously sashays her way over here with her little clique following her mindlessly like poodle pink minions.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her.

"We're popular, we don't have to explain ourselves", Madison bats her fake barbie looking eyelashes as if she didn't just say one of the cringiest things ever.

"You're not popular, you're the mean girls. No one likes you" Sophie rolls her eyes.

"Rude! Maybe you should become one of us. You've got quite the knack at this!" Madison snaps.

"Nah, Sophie can't pull off baby pink", Chanel leans back, still slurping her drink.

Sophie eyes Chanel irritatedly, slightly offended by the little joke. I snicker.

"Hold on, did you come out of school through the front gate?" I ask curiously, wanting to know if they saw Kiki.

"Yes..." Lea answers suspiciously.

"Well, is there any chance you saw a, um, student lying on the ground?"

"Uh, no, what do you mean?"

"See, I knew she'd still be alive! Looks like we won't have to run away into the woods after all!" Jacob shouts, a little too loud.

The mean girls look at him, puzzled. I give Jacob a swift kick under the table to shut him up.

"Ow! You didn't have to do that"

I roll my eyes at him and look back at the mean girls. Not surprisingly, they're all wearing short skirts and high heels and pink handbags. They look like any old group of mean girls, except they aren't wearing as much pink.

"Well, don't just stand there. Are you gonna sit with us or not?" Chanel asks irritatedly.

They sigh, grabbing their baby pink purses and sitting down. We shuffle to the right to make more space on the couch.

I move the box of fries towards them and they grab some hesitantly. This is the first time in weeks where I've felt like a high school student, worrying about college, and guys, and bullies, and trends, rather than worrying about a psychotic murderer or whatever Kiki is. But that just got me wondering, why is Kiki attacking us? Does she have something against us? Or is she just plain psycho? It's strange to think about. I quickly brush away those thoughts and go back to my friends' conversation.

"So? Aren't you gonna tell us why you're here, in McDonald's? Rather than in class?" Jacob asks, taking a sip of his soda.

"Well, we didn't have lunch, so we decided to skip the last two periods and go to McDonald's, and then go to Lea's house to relax. Her parents are really chill", Chasity explains.

"Yeah, most of the time they don't give a shit about what's going on", Lea adds, stuffing her face with the remainder of the cheesy fries.

"If you're that hungry, maybe you should order a burger", I say.

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