Chapter 17- secretary

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a/n: aghhhhh i have so many ideas for gingersweet that have to be later on in the story which is so fucking annoying 😫 but while these ideas are kinda pending please enjoy this chapter which is pretty fun since lara and shit unearth some worrying information 😍 oh and since they're teenagers i'm gonna start building up the whole romance thing but yk that may take a while so have fun reading this chapter ❤️


"WHAT THE HELL?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND CHANEL?! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Louis yells so loud the phone starts to vibrate.

"Told you he'd freak out", I mutter under my breath.

"Sorry", Chanel mouths.

"Please Louis! We really need this. This could save lives!" Chanel begs, after Louis calms down a bit.

There's a long silence.

"Hello? You still there?" Chanel asks.

"What's in it for me?" he asks reluctantly.

"Um, I could stop getting you in trouble?" Chanel offers.

"Nope not good enough maybe another time"

I look at Chanel desperately, trying to get her to think of something.

"Wait! Um, I have the keys to the holiday house!", she blurts randomly.

"You mean the holiday house?" he says curiously.


"Go on..."

"Your mom gave me the key back in June since you were being a little shit, so I spent like 2 weeks down there during Summer break, preparing for high school and whatnot. I know you've wanted to go there with friends, so I'm gonna offer the keys to you"

"To keep?" he questions the offer.

"Yeah, fine. Besides, your older brother Julian and I saw where your dad hid the spare keys, so I can go there whenever I want"

"Since when do you talk to Julian?" Louis scoffs.

"Since I hooked up with him", Chanel stifles a laugh.

"Seriously?" I can almost hear Louis rolling his eyes.

"That's what you get for hiding my phone in a tree", Chanel is cackling with laughter now.

"Fine- I'll do it", Louis replies very hesitantly.

Chanel grins at me and then goes back to her call.

"Ok, remember to meet us outside the secretary's office in 5 minutes. Love you, bye", Chanel instructs.

"Love you too asshole. Bye", Louis responds irritatedly.

Then the phone hangs up.

We start to head to the office just as the bell rings, but then we see the hall monitor. No way. They haven't had a hall monitor at all this year, and they're just getting one now? And to make matters worse, it's Cameron Roberts, the son of Mr Roberts, who's one of our deans.

"You're kidding! We're never gonna get past him", I whisper-shout to Chanel.

"We will, we just have to take the long way. Come on!" She grabs my arm and leads me through another hallway.

We finally get to the secretary's office, and Louis is already there.

"What the hell happened? You were supposed to be here like 5 minutes ago!" he whisper-shouts annoyedly.

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