Chapter 9- Monday... Again

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a/n: ahhhh sorry for the late updates yet again but i'm getting swamped with school so I've forgotten about wattpad 😖  Anyway some of this chapter is kind of a filler but Lara and the group are getting super suspicious about Kiki lol :) Hope yall enjoy!!


After that whole sleepover fiasco in the weekend, our friendship group decided to lay off on parties so that we wouldn't endanger ourselves or other people.

"Is Kiki at school today?" Chanel whispers anxiously.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her", I whisper back.

"I don't like that girl. She's a bit weird"

"Well no shit sherlock. She tried to murder us like 3 times already", I turn and look at Chanel.

"Hey guys. Meet me at our usual spot during interval. I've got something to tell you", Sophie interrupts.


The first bell rings, sending us off to class. Walking through the halls, I look around anxiously, trying to find Kiki. But there's no sign of her anywhere.

I walked to the labs for Physics, keeping a close look-out for any sign of Kiki. I finally get to the labs, and once I'm completely sure Kiki isn't there, I sigh.

"Hey hun! Guess who just got transferred to your Physics class?", a voice calls out.

Shit. Madison.

I quickly changed to avoid seeing her, but like always she was two steps ahead of me.

"Hey Lara, long time no see. I hope your tangled tresses won't get in the way of the experiment that we're doing today", she snickers, then walks away.

I sigh, and then tie my hair up into a messy bun.

I walk right to a spare station.

"So I guess we're partners carrot-top" Lachlan winks at me, flipping long brown hair out of his face.

"Well that's just wonderful dickface", I roll my eyes.

Lachlan is the one boy who's in almost every single one of my classes. He's part of the popular boys, but we're not all that close, and most girls gush over his long silky hair. Sometimes you even catch people playing with it. It's kind of funny.

What's really annoying though is that he's close friends with Arthur, so I end up seeing him around more than I should.

"Oh my god, Lachlan! Your hair looks even better than yesterday! I've asked you so many times what you use on your hair and you never say anything!" a girl whines from the station behind us.

After we finished the first part of our experiment, the teacher gave us instructions for the second part and sent us off to get more equipment from the other room.

"One person from each group has to go to the equipment room to get extra magnets!" the teacher shouts.

"I'll go", I offer up.

Anything to not sit through Miss Harley's awful yelling.

I roll my eyes and then run over to the equipment room.

"Excuse me, where are the magnets?" I ask a random teacher.

"Just in that corner over there", he replies.

I look around for the magnets and see them in a big cupboard labeled 'physics things'. Well they could've been more specific.

"There you are", I say to myself.

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