Chapter 14- kidnapped

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a/n: omg yay guys I only have 3 more days of school until my break so hopefully I'll be posting a lot more 😃 but ya there's been a whole lot of other annoying shit going on as well and turns out I kinda overdid myself with extracurriculars so I'm basically failing bio now so slay 😍 anyway this chapter was quite fun to write so enjoy!!


The moment I hopped in the car I immediately regretted it. I don't know what I was even thinking. Despite the known life warning to never get into a stranger's car I still did it anyway, and there I was, sitting in the backseat of the car, breathing heavily and twiddling my thumbs.

The small girl sits next to me, and what looks to be her older brother sits in the front. He looks about my age. I wonder if he goes to Haydock. The mom turns around and looks at me. She seems like a sweet mom, but I still don't think I should trust her.

If I truly am being kidnapped then I don't really have much of a chance. Unless I just jump out the window right now, but even then I would still probably die. The family is calm. They don't give me many bad vibes, but even then, I still can't trust it. I can't trust them. I just breathe heavily and twiddle my thumbs.

The girl grabs my thumb, stopping me. I look up into her eyes. Her pupils contract, allowing me to see her green mysterious eyes. They're so bizarre. So familiar.

The entire car ride we just sit there in silence. Not a peep.

"Oh, here's my stop. I'll just hop out here", I attempt to get out as they pass by my house.

"Not so fast, young lady. You should stay with us and we'll get you a nice dinner", the mom says, not stopping the car for me.

Oh crap. They're totally kidnapping me. I'm so screwed. I sit in the car uncomfortably and start to panic internally. Oh god oh god oh god. What am I supposed to do? Now jumping out the window doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Except the fact that they know where I live now. How could I be such an idiot? I should've just walked home and dealt with all the giant punishments from my mom. I look in my pockets and fumble around for my phone. It's gone. Oh god. Oh my god. My phone's gone. I look frantically around the seats, trying to find it. Then I see the little girl putting a white iPhone 11 into her backpack. My phone. When did she take it from me? How did I miss out on that? She sees me eying her bag and stares at me blankly, allowing me to look further into her crazily familiar emerald eyes. I don't get it. I usually have such a good memory. So why can't I remember where these eyes are from?

We pull up in front of a somewhat nice house a few blocks away from mine. If I try to make a run for it I might be able to get help, or even get home if I sprint harder than a racing greyhound at the tracks. I don't have enough stamina for that, but anything is worth a try at this point.

So I run.

I run and run as far as I can down the street, until I feel a weight heaving me down as I finally reach the ground and let my eyes succumb to the blackness.

I wake up on an unfamiliar white leather couch, and look around me. I'm at their house. The older brother must've tackled me to the ground when I tried to escape. But no one's here. I get up slowly, so my head doesn't hurt as much, and decide to take a look around.

"You've woken up. Good", a voice says from behind me, causing my head to turn.

The mother comes in with a sickeningly sweet smile on her face, creeping me out. I wanted to ask her something, anything, but I stumbled on my words and nothing came out, just a whole lot of anxious noises.

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