Chapter 3- Trouble with Gamers

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Sophie and I went back to our friends, and Chasity went back to hers. I didn't want to do this, but it looks like we're gonna have to. Amber and Chanel were bubbling with excitement when we told them the plan didn't work and we had to bring Nick into this. They love the extra drama, but there was still one part of the plan missing, and only 15 minutes left of lunchtime to figure it out. Luckily, Chanel already knows what I'm thinking.

"Guys! Stop giggling. We need to figure out how Nick's gonna get Nicky's diary off of her", she says, even though she's still giggling herself.

"We'll need to get Jacob and the boys to talk to her first, and then Nick cuts in, helping her and making lovey dovey eyes at her and stuff", Sophie explains.

"When did we end up in 2004?" I roll my eyes.

"Shut up. This'll work. I'm way smarter than you anyways", Sophie grins at me, and I roll my eyes again, playfully this time.

We start rounding up some of the boys to help us. Jacob, Arthur, and Louis will go up to Nicky and start talking to her about, well, I'm not really sure. Jacob will 'accidentally' drop her bag on the floor, so everything spills out. If the diary's not there, then Nick will cut in, and then going to help Nicky pick up her stuff. While helping her, of course he will grab the diary, and give it to one of us. Hopefully things will go well, but we can't be too sure, so we will be around, checking out where the diary is for us to grab. This wasn't my first choice of a plan, because it's pretty mean, but it actually sounds kind of fun now. Wow, I sound like a bitch.

Luckily, we manage to find Nicky with 10 minutes left of lunch. Then we go start our plan...

Everything happens, and it's hard to watch, if I'm being honest. Goddamn high school shit. I thought it'd be different from middle school, but it's really not. I carefully observe the boys making small talk with Nicky about how boring school is and shit like that. Then, when Jacob drops the bag, we all dive in to 'help'.

We branch out like a tree. Nick goes in for the spot right at the opposite of Nicky. Nick calmly 'helps' Nicky. Sophie, Chanel, and I are at the right, just like Arthur said, picking up her books, pens, and pencil cases. Sophie and I both see it at the same time. We both pick it up at the same time, then Sophie stares at me urgently, so I let go. Sophie stuffs it into her handbag. Mission Accomplished. A wave of relief washes over me and the rest of my friends. There's just one thing I forgot about. Nick and Nicky. I look to both sides of me, and there it is. Nicky's excited blushing face, and Nick's flirty- yet kind of clueless- face. I sigh a bit, feeling kind of bad for Nicky.

Luckily, the first bell rings, just in time, sending everyone else to class. I have Technology next, with Arthur and Amber.

"This diary better be good, because if we did all this for nothing, I will be pissed", Arthur says to us.

"Don't worry dude, Sophie will tell all the tea to us tomorrow", Amber reassures him.

After the longest class ever, the bell finally rings. Last period of the day. Finally. I didn't learn anything, but oh well. My family was never big on technology anyway. Amber, Arthur and I go our separate ways. I have art last, thank god. At least I have some sort of relaxing subject to end the day. So I walk halfway across the school with my hefty backpack calmly. I then see Nick. He's probably my only close friend in art. I have a few other friends, but none of them are super close to me.

"Hey Nick!" I yell, catching his attention.

"Lara! Finally someone I know! We caused so much drama during lunchtime, and everyone keeps staring at me. Creepy much", he sighs.

"Sorry man, but it had to have been worth it, otherwise you wouldn't have agreed to it", I reason, chuckling. He laughs back and we walk to art joyfully.

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