Chapter 7- Games

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a/n: this chapter is a shorter one, and there's not a lot of action, but don't worry there's more coming soon!! 😊


We sit down in the guest bedroom of Chanel's house and just look at each other. We don't chat. We don't gossip. We just sit there in silence.

"So... Do you wanna talk? Or maybe play a game?" Chanel says awkwardly.

"A game sounds nice", we all agree.

Chanel goes up to the shelf and grabs a board game.

"We only have Monopoly and Scrabble", Chanel sighs.

"Monopoly", we all agree.

Chanel grabs the board game off the shelf and starts setting it up silently.

"Ok, if no one's even gonna talk, then why do we have this sleepover in the first place?!" Sophie yells abruptly, slamming her hand on the table.

"Yeah, I agree. This is pointless if we're just gonna sit here" Amber adds reluctantly.

"She has a point", I shake my thoughts out of my head.

"Ok", Chanel agrees, getting up and choosing their pieces to play.

We play a couple of rounds of Monopoly, until we get sick and tired of going round and round all over again. I look at the clock. It's already 6pm and an hour has gone by.

"Guys, the sky is turning pinkish-red" I point out.

"Oh my god. That's creepy", Sophie looks at it.

"Seriously? That's the sunset", Chanel lowers her eyebrows, examining us as if we're high.

"Oh" we all reply.

"Girls! Dinner's ready!" Chanel's mom calls out.


"I bet it's lasagna. That smell is divine'', Chanel gives us a faint smile, and we all look back at her, starting to grin.

We run down the stairs, laughing.

"So mom, what's for dinner?" Chanel asks.

"I made lasagna"

"Called it!" Chanel yells.

We eat our lasagna, smiling at each other.

"Guys, we should totally play who's most likely to: food edition", Amber says, breaking the silence.

"Omg yes!" we shout.

"Ok. I'll start. Who's most likely to eat a spoonful of that hot sauce over there?" Amber points.

"Ooh, I would say..." Sophie begins.

"Before you say who it is, there's one more rule. You have to do it if you get picked", Amber grins cheekily.

We all giggle.

"Ok, so who is it?" Amber asks.

Everyone points at me.

"Oh god", I laugh.

Chanel hands me her spoon and grins. I start pouring the hot sauce.

"Chug chug chug chug chug!" my friends chant.

So I do.


They're all practically rolling on the floor in laughter. But the spice fades away surprisingly quickly. My tongue softly tingles the rest of my mouth and I blink rapidly.

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