Chapter 8- Another Attack

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a/n: hey guys! I know it's been quite a while since I last updated but I've been pretty busy recently with school and stuff :/ Unfortunately it'll probably be like this for a while where I'll take time to update but I will try to keep up as much as I can!! This chapter is pretty short and isn't my best work but there'll be more soon! As always, hope you enjoy :)


"Sophie, are you alright?" we all scream, banging on the bathroom door.

"Sophie let us in!"

"Sophie, what happened?"

"Guys, shut up! Let me handle it", Chanel yells.

She takes a bobby pin and jams it right into the keyhole thing.

It clicks.

"Come on", Chanel says quietly as she opens the door.

"Where the hell did you learn how to pick locks?" I ask, looking concerned.

"The internet. You can pick up all kinds of tricks from there" she replies, going straight through the door.

"Oh my god! Sophie!"

"Are you alright?"

"What happened?"

Sophie just sits on the floor in her bathrobe, shaking like a leaf.

They all sit down and try to comfort her. I look around the bathroom and then see a stain on the window pane. A small but noticeable red slimy substance, drip, drip, dripping off the side of the pane, onto the tile floor. Blood. My eyes follow the blood, working their way up the window. The trail stops, right where the opening is. But I just watch. I stare at the crimson blood oozing its way to the floor. Drop by drop.

"Hey, guys?" I say slowly, waking up from some sort of trance.

"Yeah? What's wrong Lara?" Chanel looks up at me.

"There's something on the window", I point at the blood stain.

Everyone looks up and gasps.

"Oh my god is that Sophie's blood?!" Amber shrieks.

"I don't think so. She doesn't have any wounds. She just seems like she's in shock or something", Chanel says as she looks for a wound.

We pick Sophie up and take her to the room. As we sit, we wait for Sophie to come back to her senses and tell us what happened. Chanel brings up a bunch of mugs and a jug of steaming hot chocolate. She gives one to Sophie, and I watch as Sophie gulps the entire thing down without showing an ounce of pain. I take a sip and feel my tongue sizzle. I blow on it, but it's no help. All I can do is wait for it to cool down. Sophie finally opens her mouth to say something. Our eyes all widen in suspense but it's a false alarm. I sigh and put my hot chocolate down on the bedside table.

Opening the door, I walk outside and stand on the balcony. Chanel stands up and joins me. She looks at me. But I'm more focused on the other thing. The sunset. Clouds drift across the sky, slowly covering the pink glimmer of the sun in gray. Gray. They eat it up until finally, the Sun succumbs to the dark and there's no more pink to enjoy.

"Well, the day has ended I guess. All we can do now is hope for a better tomorrow", Chanel sighs.

"Yeah", I reply, going back inside.

A little while later Sophie finally decided to speak.

"I was just brushing my teeth", she shivers.

Our ears all perk up like a dog hearing a bag of chips open.

"Then I heard some noises on the window, so I went to check it out", she continues.

"Go on..."

"I opened the window and then..."

"And then?"

"She grabbed me and tried to pull me out the window"

"Well what about the blood?" I ask.
"She had some kind of cut just above her elbow. Kind of like the scratches you get from walking past a tree branch. Only deeper", she explains.

My eyes widen.

"Well, is it Kiki or not? I wanna know!" Amber whines.

"I didn't see much of her face, but I'm 90% sure it was her. Red hair, round down-turned eyes, almost like she was scared and angry at the same time..." Sophie says, her voice slowly fading as everyone else starts talking again.

I keep listening in as her voice gets quieter and quieter, until I can't hear her anymore. It is Kiki. The same person who attacked me. The same person who attacked Sophie and Amber. The same girl who's been disguised as some sort of mysterious, super cool new girl but has all these psychotic problems going on underneath.

I look around at all of my other friends buzzing anxiously about Kiki and the attacks. Sophie bites her nails nervously, sitting in her fluffy lilac bath robe, watching our friends argue.

Now I know practically everything.

I know the who, the where, the when, but what I didn't know was why.

Why me?

Why us?

What is Kimberly Walker planning?

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