the first batch of Asks baby Goldie and Shadow Part 1

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hello and thank you so much for so many askes and dares I have read them all carefully and will be adding them to the story so sit back, relax and enjoy ^w^

Shadow Freddy was working on a plan to kidnap Goldie and make sure he will be on his side one way or another as he heard a few dings looks up and sees a lot of ask bots around him as he reads questions and grumbles a bit but does the best he can to answer them.

@GoldielSamazing asks: To shadow: what do you think about Goldie being a baby?

shadow looks confused but decides to answer it anyways as he thinks back to when Goldie first came to the pizzeria he was quick small for his age for a 6-year-old cub as Goldie was a runt and came from a pizzeria before this one as he remembers how scared Goldie was and how Freddy beat him to it as Shadow growls of the memory of how Freddy tried to make him the bad guy as he reads the question again and answers it thinking it had something to do with Freddy of Goldie being a baby.

Shadow: well I know nothing about it but I would say it will be an easy kidnapping and to get him on my side and I'm guessing Freddy had something to do with Goldie being baby isn't it? but it can't be helped that he will be adorable like when he first came to Fredbear's Family Diner it just feels like it was just yesterday *sigh* but leaves me alone I need to focus on my plan goodbye 

he said shooing the ask bot away as it leaves him alone as he goes back to planning and making a few changes to it and start thinking of how Goldie's room should look like and can't stop picturing the thought of baby Goldie and just died of the adorableness thought of baby Goldie while he is going to be out for a while, with Goldie, who was in his playpen and thinking of an escape plan to get away from the gang and Freddy the most as he looks up and sees an ask bot there having a question for him as he looks and smiles as he reads the ask and sighed but knows he will have to answer honestly and knows Freddy fell asleep watching Goldie as he was asleep with his head on the table and snoring meant he was asleep as Goldie read the question over in his head to make sure he read it right and that being turn to the size of a toddler but looks like a baby of 9 months old didn't affect his reading at all which he was glad. 

@GoldielSamazing ask: To Goldie: What do you think about being a baby? 

 Goldie: it's utay I guess I mean I'm getting luved but nut in a way fat I didn't expect to be like fis. * checks to see if Freddy was still asleep and still is and looks back at the audience* I fink Fweddy is guing insane and finks fis will help make up all fat we lust but I dun't fink fis is it I dun't want tu be little again I want tu be big again

he said trying not to cry of the thought as he didn't like it at all being little again being not to be do anything himself and being babied as he wants to escape so much and get out of the pizzeria as he looks up again and sees another ask bot as he wipes his eyes to cover up the tears as he reads the next question he got.

@GoldielSamazing ask: To Goldie: What do you think of all the animatronics [including shadows]? 

Goldie: Fuxy is scawy and likes tu make fun uf me but is utay tu be awuund and likes tu ut me in fe scawy dawk cluset fuw punishment, Bunnie is utay but let's me cwawl awuund and keeps an eye un me and puts me un a jumpew tuu, Chica is cuul and let's me help hew make cupcakes wif hew and gives me a cookie fuw being a guud helpew, fe tuys are utay as well , fe shaduws? I unly knuw shaduw Fweddy nufing else and I fink fat is it fuw nuw.

he said going back to playing with his stuffies when he heard Freddy was waking up from his nap as he pretends that he was having a blast being a baby as Freddy smiles, as Freddy looks and smiles as he goes over and watches Goldie and pats his thick diaper butt which Goldie doesn't like but pretends not to notice as they are doing that we will check up on Shadow right now cause I kink he is back right now, as he was working on his plans and gets an idea for the room idea for Goldie as he looks and sees an ask bot there waiting for him to read it and answer its question as he smiles evily.

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