2nd batch asks the Aftons and Foxy pt 2

121 1 13

hello and thank you so much for the asks even if it's just 5 of them it still means a lot to me so sit back, relax, and enjoy ^w^

Michael and Chris were playing a board game while Elizabeth was with their mother for grocery shopping and wanted to get some ice cream along the way as it was just Chris, Michael, and Noah who was playing with them as they were having a great time as they look at to see ask bot there waiting with their questions to be read and answered as Chris smiles just being an adorable beans 

@catsaresooooawsome ask: Chris what do you think about Noah and your bubby? 

Chris reads his ask again to make sure he read it correctly and smiles.

Chris: he is okay just not really good at cooking yet bubby is still trying to teach him how in case when he has to leave for a while Noah can cook for us while he is away.

Noah: heyyy I'm not that bad at cooking I'm still learning you little goof ^w^

Chris: I know but it still tastes bad but you're still getting better tho too.

Noah: Thanks, Chris. 

Michael chuckles softly knowing it was true tho Noah was getting better as he looks up and sees he got one, as well as the ask bot, who was waiting patiently for him to read as he reads it smiling.

@catsaresoooooawsome ask: Michael on a scale from 1 to 50 how cute is Christopher?

Michael: I say 100 out of 50 cause have you seen how cute this kid can be he is freaken adorable, and I will make sure no one hurts my little brother not ever " father" uuggghh  😖.

he said in a disgusted look on his face as Noah had the same look at well and Chris tried to look disgusted at their father but just looked too fricken adorable for his own good while they are playing their board game let's get on the gang at the pizzeria real quick with Foxy who was in his cove and was polishing his hook as he looks up and sees he got an ask bot and smiles a bit.

Foxy: ahoy there matey how may captain Foxy be at ya service for this fine evening?

he asks as the ask bot shows him the question as he starts to read it.

@catsaresoooooawsome ask: Foxy what do you think about Goldie?

Foxy: * looks around to be sure that Freddy wasn't around to hear what he is about to say* aye the lad be okay I feel bad for how the captain treats him and says this be the way to make up for lost times but I think the little lad doesn't like it at all especially with the rules the captain gave him and told us to follow them as well and tell if the lad broke any of the rules ut I don't think this will change the fact the captain is cruel and oh how do me put this...brutal is the word me think but that be the only work that old captain Foxy knows for now but I better be going the captain be starring a fight with the lass and it may not get pretty bye 😑🖐.

Foxy said as he goes to stop Freddy from getting hit with a frying pan by Chica since he was trying to fight her to get some food for Goldie which Chica didn't trust him to give Goldie, food cause she always feel like he adds something to them to make Goldie have difficulty speaking and walking along with control of bowels and bladder so she likes to make the food and hand feed Goldie when Freddy around and when he isn't she lets Goldie eat on his own paste and slip a cup of chocolate pudding for finishing his dish for a treat or a reward, Foxy comes in just in time as he had to break the two apart and kind of booted Freddy out of the kitchen as Freddy grumbles and goes to check on Goldie while he waits for Chica be done cooking lunch as he stops and sees an ask bot waiting for him as he grumbles and sits down to answer it in private without being judge and have a golden cub looking at Freddy's questions or dare or even sometimes both as he reads it and growls

@catsaresoooooawsome says: Freddy, you're a jerk.

Freddy:* sarcasm in his tone of voice* well geez thanks and how am I the jerk anyway? 

he said as the ask bot didn't have an answer as Freddy gave a smirk and shoos it away as it buzzes away angrily as it was going to give Goldie his question but Freddy wasn't allowing it near Goldie not even once since the ask bot wasn't going to show Freddy what the ask was as Freddy rolls his eyes as he kicks it away and grumbles more * 20 minutes later* everyone was at the dinner table eating lunch enjoying it while Goldie was in the high chair as it was a colorful, flowery, strapped high chair with a stray as he was eating his mashed bananas while being hand feed by Bonnie, as everyone else had supreme pizza with extra toppings on them as everyone wasn't being picky eaters including Freddy who was eating his pizza with cranberry soda like usual being quiet and watching Goldie * 10 minutes later* it was time for Goldie to have a nap as Freddy happily takes Goldie from the high chair before Bonnie could and wipes his messy face as Goldie squirms not liking it as he bleps at Freddy as Freddy bleps back at Goldie, as the two went to the backroom nursery as Freddy opens the door and gets out a baby book of " Naptime with Theo and Beau by Jessica Shyba" as Freddy starts to read it to Goldie after popping a baby blue, rose pacifier in his mouth to keep him quiet to listen to naptime stories which Goldie doesn't mind and was given his stuffie to hug when he listens to naptime and bedtime story time as Goldie listens to the story. 

* 20 minutes later Goldie wasn't sleepy yet but Freddy sure was as the Fazbear was slowly falling asleep as he gets another book out to read to Goldie was the book called " Naptime for Benji and Petey by Valerie Busic" as Goldie yawns rubbing his eyes with his paw and hugging his stuffie close to him snuggling it and Freddy close* ( here is the link if you like to read along https://the-office.com/bedtime-story/mousenap.htm  enjoy ^w^) after a few minutes Freddy fell asleep when he got to the end and Goldie was about to fall asleep himself as he tries to will himself away as he looks and sees the ask bot ready for him to read its question before he can take a nap as he tries to read it through the sleepy state he is in.

@catsaresoooooawsome says: Goldie baby is your brother mean to you?

Goldie:* reads it again feeling his eyelids getting extra heavy as he yawns and sucks on the pacifier sleepy tone of voice* nnnnuuuuu bubby is nut stupidd....zzzzzzzzzzzzz 

he said as he fell asleep in Freddy's arms with his stuffie in his arms sleeping peacefully of his naptime just clearly states that he was too sleepy to think straight as Chica was coming in to see if a warm bottle of milk as necessary as she looks and awes softly and took a picture of the wholesome moment and gently picked up the sleeping golden cub from Freddy's grip and carried him to his crib and gently lays him there covers him up with a handmade blanket she made as the color for the blanket she used was a Periwinkle as she loved how she made it as Goldie snuggles into the blanket and snuggling his stuffie more looking peaceful and safe as Chica gently shakes Freddy to wake up as he did and helps him to get out of the backroom to let Goldie rest in peace as they didn't know something was going to happened to Goldie but didn't know what yet as they left the vents soon open softly and wide for........

( sorry cliffhanger here for now I hope you all enjoy the story and the stories with it write in the comments what you think next and all the gang is free to be asked and dared that includes you too Pete BYE )

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