Visitors Of The Night

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The night at 'Cloud Recesses' is misty and quiet, broken seldom by the rustling of leaves, chirps of insects or the hushed passing of small nightly creatures. Lan Xichen an alpha, the young master of Gusu Lan, was still awake even it's quite late, shuffling through the official paper works.

He had started taking responsibilities of official works of their land, to lessen the burden of his father, Lan Qinghen, so that he can spend more time with their mother, his and Lan Zhan , Xichen' s little brother. Their mother had been of ill health from when she was pregnant with a-Zhan, and even after his birth she had stayed of broken health, A-Zhan spends most of his time outside of studying and practicing music with hid mother, who spoils him as much as she can.

Lan Xichen was emersed in work when an unexpected knock broke his concentration, he rose and opened the door to find a man dressed in the garb of imperial guard with their face covered, before Xichen csn inquire the person held out a token of under the dancing flame of the torch and it causes Lan Xichen to take a sharp intake of breath, as he recognised the jade token as the token of Imperial Crown Prince Wei Wuxian's.

He quickly takes his sword and follows the guard,, his personal body guard, Lan Yi Fei, follows him too. All of them went to the gate where a person was standing alone, covered in black cloak and hood, at some distance a few guards are standing blended in the shadow, everyone seem to be on edge, jittery like in search of unknown enemy . Lan Xichen stands infront of The crown prince, bows to greet and suddenly scrunched his nose because of the acrid smell of anger-grief-sorrow-revenge the alpha is emitting seems a moment away from baring his teeth on the offender. The prince helds out a hand to stop Xichen from bowing, he removes his hood to show his face. Lan Xichen is again taken off guard seeing the handsome features of the prince streaked with blood, his robes are drenched in blood too, he had known the prince as a very kind and righteous person, seeing his standing like a ghost drenched in blood makes is blood chill. Forgetting all his decorum he grips Wuxian's hand and tugs his towards his own residence, stopping only a moment to nods at Lan Yi Fei so that he can make some arrangements for the imperial guards too....
But the prince didn't budge from his place, causing Xichen to look at him incredulously only then he notices another person sitting on a stone bench at one side of the gate, the figure seems like of a woman,realisation dawned on him of who the figure could be he quickly bows infront of the Empress Cangse, the others bowed too, but empress remains as lifeless as she was. Xichen was at loss of what to do, thankfully Yi Fei saved him as always. He quickly send one of their guards to fetch some chamber maids of their lady, upon their arrival they escorted the empress towards the guest rooms of VIP guest pavilion who went like a puppet on string. The crown prince's eyes burns with a new kind of determination, and anger.. While everyone was whisked away - though reluctantly and only appeased after Wuxian nods to them- by Yi Fei, Xichen and Wuxian were only one standing there, and grabbing the opportunity Xichen quickly hauls him towards his chambers.

His mind is racing with too many unanswered questions, and what kind of consequences would there be, but he stayed quiet, and concentrated on making the prince a bit comforted.
Entering his chambers, Xichen flags down a servant to send for clean water towels and some food to deliver. He make the prince to sit, shed his blood stained cloak, and few layers of robes, soaked the towel in luke warm water and set off to clean the prince's face and hands. He was relieved to find that most of the blood was of someone else’s, the Crown Prince was unharmed except minor bruises and scratches. After cleaning most of the dirt, dressing in a clean pair of Xichen's robes and a bowl of soup, Wei Wuxian feels a bit humam to tell Xichen the reason of their discreet visit.

This answers to all of Xichen's unasked questions and chills him to his bones.

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