Why And How

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A few years back Emperor Wei had been forced to strike down a southern kingdom, which was under their protection. The kingdom of Qishan of Wen had gone rebellious, calling atrocities and blasphemous accusations against the Emperor. Sneaking in assassin for blood shed, intentional riots and mayhem to break the peace. So the Emperor lead an army of 10 thousand to slay each and every Wen army, sons of Lord Wen Rouhan and he himself were killed, but Wen Ruohan's eldest son Wen Xu managed to escape with a handful of his trusted men. The palace was burned;women, children and elderly were exiled outside the empire of Yiling to a barren land - enclosed by rocky mountains on three sides and a cliff on the other, working as an open prison. The only way connecting the main land with the valley is a rope bridge, heavily guarded by imperial army.

A search party was deployd to find the whereabouts of Wen Xu, but to no avail, as if he had just evaporated into thin air.

Apparently Wen Xu had been plotting to avange his father, for past few years, gaining quite a number of followers, a troop of assassins as his army. He had been slipping them into the royal palace and capital for some time, and last night they finally brought death and massacre into the royal palace.. They slain the guards, body guards , even the innocent maids. Emperor and Empress had fought their way out of the assassins while the crown prince attacked Wen Xu with his standing army. But they were caught off guard and were easily out numbered - because the enemy had chosen the night of festivities to attack, while the guards were slacking duty and everyone was more or less inebriated- The emperor had practically dragged and pushed both empress and crown prince into a boat with a few of his trusted men, accompanied by a handful of crown prince's surviving personal army into another boat. He himself stood on the dock with his general, defending the rapidly retreating boats from Wen Xu's archers. The prince kept struggling on the boat in the strong hold of his guards, the empress was no good, and right before their eyes the emperor fell on his face with an arrow through his heart followed by several others, the scream of the empress pierced the darkness of the night followed by the gloating laugh of Wen Xu. The prince was too shocked to even say a word as he went limp in the arms of his guards.

The boats men were able to shook off any followers and discreetly rowed through the night at high speed to port at Caiyi. As it is the nearest port along with the home of the ally of Royal Family. They took an inn under pseudo name, was able to hire some horses, stay hidden through the day and only after the dark they traveled up to the mountain, still there was assassins waiting for them on the way to Gusu, but only because of their alertness those were put to death-whose blood Lan Xichen had cleaned just now-and he is now asking for help to bring back his father's mortal body, a shelter for his grief stricken mother until he is able to gather the imperial border forces to strike an attack, to avenge his father and those who have fallen along by spearing Wen Xu's head.

Wei Wuxian looks very calm for a person who had just lost his father, home, very likely his smiling and kind character, but Lan Xichen knows his friend's stubbornness also he knows how grief can change a person's very personality in a night. He refrained from commenting anything as he sent to inform his father - who has already been informed about the misfortune dawned over the royal family and their refuge - to hold a meeting about the rescue mission of Emperor's mortal body.

To retrieve the body of the late emperor was not an easy job, as Wen Xu was waiting for them upon realising that tge crown prince would surely come back to retrieve his father's body. The emperor's body was laying in the same spot where he was shot through the heart, fortunately near the water, so some Lan soldiers swam towards him taking advantage of the dark night, managing to grab the body and dragged into the water.. But the moment the body touched the water surface arrows started to rain over the swimmers.. Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen along with some others were waiting on the boat, seeing the commotion they too started countering by shooting arrows, and inched their boats as close as they can to the swimmers, shielding them by using the boat body... Wen Xu clearly didn't miss the presence of the crown prince and started mocking him of his cowardice, inability to take revenge, laughing historically when the crown prince lost his mind from all the taunting and growled in frustration. Luckily Xichen was able to stop him from diving straight into the water,as he signaled the men to quickly row the boat.

With the night fading into morning, when the sky still has stars on her person but East sky is getting lighter and lighter, glowing beautiful pink and orange shades, the small party reached the gates of Cloud Recesses, carrying the ice clod body of their late emperor,steps heavy with the grief and hearts with vengeance.

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