Slowly But...

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Tonight's banquet is thrown to celebrate the up upcoming coronation ceremony, which is only on the second day after tomorrow. 

Tomorrow all the members of imperial family and ministers alike are to travel to the ancient Burial grounds of imperial family, pay respect to the predecessors, then return to the palace by processioning. 

The rest of the day is to be followed by rituals, performing exorcism to eradicate any evil spirit from the palace which may harm the new Emperor. Then the most awaited day of coronation. When the now crown prince would be coronated by the blessings of heaven, witnessed by ancestors, he'll shoulder the responsibility of his nation and people for the rest of his life. 

Wei Wuxian sits infront of a mirror in his room, when a maid attentively combs and ties his hair in an Intricate style. Court lady Po stands beside her to guide. When done, the maid bows low and scurry off. Court lady Po motions the other maids to bring the robes, and asks Wei Wuxian to stand on dias, so they can dress him.

''court lady Po! How many times have I told you that I can dress myself well enough. This is unnecessary!", says Wei Wuxian. He has been trying for years to make the old woman listen to him that he is more than capable of dressing himself, but the old lady is immovable. 

She bows a bit the says," yes your majestic, but this is an honour of the court ladies to serve our Emperor, this lowly one can humbly request his highness not to snatch this honour from us!", with the end of her words every maid present in the room bows down to their knees in unison. 

Call Wei Wuxian a merciless man, but he is kind at heart, and cannot possibly stand the sight of these palace maids bowing to their superior just because they are inferior to him. He quickly gestures to court lady Po to stand up, "aiyaa,, you old woman, you always do this whenever I tell you I don't need help in getting ready. Don't think I won't punish you!" he says good naturedly. 

The old lady hides a smile, "of course your highness" 

then starts to dress the prince in layers of intricate silk. Pinning to stay settled, tieing here and there. Lady Po fusses for long until she was satisfied with the result. Then She and all other maids walked out of the room after bowing low to give the prince some privacy before joining the banquet. 

Wei Wuxian calmly paces across his rooms, and goes to stand in the garden for fresh air. He closes his eyes and tilts his head upwards, inhales deeply. The cool evening breeze carrying the smell of lake water, blooming lotus flowers, and other flowers which are in full bloom at this time of year. He finds peace in himself, to just stand there, feeling the cool breeze touching his face. 

He has been shouldering the duties of an emperor for last three years, but making it official, adding a title to it is fraying his nerves for days. But he has nowhere to vent off this pent up frustration, he is the future emperor he cannot afford to be vulnerable, or weak! 

Wei Wuxian suddenly feels very tired! 

He cannot open his heart to his mother,, she worries already too much. Losing father hasn't been easy for her. 

Xichen and Mingjue are his friends,true. But they are his subjects, they look upto him for the final decision, to be the last certain final voice. So he cannot dump his emotional garbage on them and expects them to act fine the next day. 

He, hypothetically knows what his heart wants. To have someone who won't judge him for being vulnerable, for having doubts in himself. Who'd love him even if he is with flaws. Someone to whom he can show his heart and trusts them not to take advantage of it.  He wants a pair of hands holding him at his lowest, smiling to him at his highest. 

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