Verses Of A Poem

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If one is being honest then they'd say that second master Lan, is a naive person. Doted on, and babied by everyone, and the claim certainly has proof in the presence of Lan Wangji himself. 

But what most people doesn't know is that despite his innocence Lan Wangji is a tactile person. Mey be he doesn't understand the general relationship between a married couple or an engaged couple, cannot put a name on the desires whispering in his heart whenever he sees his intended, and why his omega is pulling itself towards tha certain alpha! 

As easy as the music scores comes to him, as easily as his fingers dance on qin strings, the mechanics and policy of running a house comes to him just the same. He took the lessons scheduled for him being the future emperor consort as naturally as duck to water. 

The first, the very first letter written by his intended, The Emperor, was delivered to him by the head eunuch,which he accepted with blushing cheeks. 

With great care he tore off the envelope to retrieve the letter, feeling the high quality paper, looking over the elegant calligraphy of the Emperor before concentrating on the narration. 

At first he was admittedly disappointed, though he was unable to express why, because it is not everyday someone other than his immediate family sends Lan Wangji personal letters, so he cannot possibly know what an intended writes in their letters. But he was. 

The letter was impeccably written, all polite address, details of current weather, worry over future status of people as a concerned Emperor, even a reminder to be careful about his health too. So, no, there was nothing offending about the letter. But the nagging refused to recede. So Lan Wangji did a sensible thing. 

He re-read the letter. 

The more he reads, the more the letter stars making sense. 

It became evident that the Emperor, despite his prowess in fields of battle and politics, is not well versed in art of delicate writing. He can and must know the format of political letters, format of imperial edict, and announcements. But not how he should write a personal letter, more so an intimate one. 

As soon as the thought of having somewhat intimate relationship with the Emperor enters Lan Wangji's mind he flushes a deep red all over his ears and cheeks. 

Though written in a distant manner, almost in the form of an official letter, Lan Wangji still finds some hints of a pure heart, concern about his health, hope of his days being dpent in peace during his stay in palace, some advises to maintain a good hygiene during upcoming monsoon, and a deep genuine concern for the people under the protection of Emperor Wei - that their ails and woes and solutions to such problems has occupied a major part of Emperor Wei's mind is evident. 

From just one letter Lan Wangji cannot claim that he understands the mind and its ways of thinking of a person, but for some reason he realizes that the Emperor, his intended has trouble voicing his own thoughts. Not the ones pre determined or predicted but his own thoughts. He struggles with emotion. 

To Lan Wangji this revelation was not surprising, instead he knows how vulnerable it feels to bare one's true thoughts to someone else. 

Being from a noble high born family Lan Wangji was taught from an early age to control or hide his emotions and only show a face of indifference or a genial smile when in company of other nobel births. As much as it must have been taught to the Emperor too, to hide, conceal his true emotions lest an enemy finds the chink in the armour and uses it to their benefit. 

So Emperor Wei, or Wei Wuxian, as Lan Wangji was asked by the Emperor himself to address his as, must have hidden or concealed his true feelings for so long that now he couldn't even voice them as he'd have liked. 

Rather than being disappointed, Lan Wangji became sad to think that. His pheromones took a turn towards upset watery quality. 

He knows that in his short life that he has been guarded by his family so he can live a normal life. Lan Wangji follows his lessons in decorum and etiquette only when its required, for this he has to thank his family. But Wei Wuxian's every waking and sleeping moments are monitored by one or many, he evidently doesn't have the luxury. 

It took Lan Wangji a good hour of petting his rabbits, then a stroll in the garden to lighten up his mood. 

As days are gradually passing unbeknownst to Lan Wangji, his Omega is getting involved with their Alpha. In turn affecting Lan Wangji's internal termoil. 

The afternoon lesson for Emperor consort was passed in a blur, the once in a week family dinner was also quiet, the Lans were aware of the letter from the Emperor, but not its content so they become anxious witnessing such behavior from the most cheerful member of the family. Lan Xichen once or twice tries to breach the subject with his little brother but his uncle restrained him from doing so, whatever the problem is Wangji should try to solve it on his own, if not then his family is always here for him. The internal problem of betrotheds are best not meddled by family. 

Lan Wangji did notice his family's distress over his unusual behaviour but wasn't able to bring himself to lessen their worry. He was not distressed over the letter but over what he should reply in turn.  To give a person feeling of safety one must familiarize them with each other, and in order for his intended the Emperor to loose the well carfed mask of propriety they must become comfortable in each others' presence. So after a night of fitful sleep Lan Wangji sat infront of a blank paper with perfectly grindes ink and smooth bristle brush in hand to write yhe reply. 

"Your Imperial Majesty 

Emperor Wei 

With greetings to your imperial majestically, this one wishes for his Majesty's health and comfort. 

Before anything this one must bow in gratitude towards the Emperor for regarding this one's elder brother in such high esteem. This only reflects the Emperor's open mindness and intellect. 

Pardon me if this one seem as an overly proud of elder brother, but by not doing so this one would feel like an unfilial one which is no one's wish in life if I'm bold enough to claim so. 

What his Majesty has said in his letter to me has greatly cause an impact, thinking that as we all are at mercy of mother nature, as also at the mercy of fate as well. But as the nature of human, they cannot sit aside and wait for fate to bestow blessings or curse, we must work to earn what has been lost and store a portion for future. Such is the work of man. But again it is fate which defines how much one should gain or loss, if we losses in one side we gain from another just as the harvest has been plenty but the flood ruined lands. If one can call it balance then that's the work of philosophers. 

Just as the flood, the clogged water of monsoon does bring diseases. Gusu is also not spared  from such horrors. But Lan clan make do by helping out the people as much as we can. Father has especially make sure of setting a portion of every year's harvest and profit from trade to use in such rescue missions. 

By heeding his Majesty's advice of looking after this one's health, this Lan Zhan too wishes that his Majesty's looks after his health as well, because he is the piller of this nation, the strength behind the empire, our beacon of light, and this Lan Zhan as an intended to the Emperor, is being so bold by asking his Majesty  to look after himself as well and do not hesitate to call on the physicians at the slightest sign of discomfort. 

It is this one's wish to see the rarest of rare smile on the Emperor that this one's brother used to tell tales of. 

Until next time, 

Lan Zhan. "

In order to make the Emperor feel comfortable around Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji must become comfortable with his intended in  the first place. 

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