Is The Snow Melting?

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The whole Lan entourage is settling down at a beautiful mansion, named - "The Moon Shine Pavilion", specifically alloted by her empress dowager Sanren. 

The mansion has separate quarters, circling a large paved yard, decorated by small Koi ponds, and large white peonies and roses in full bloom. The gaps between each quarter, has a patch of grass with round stone tables surrounded by seats carved from stone shadowed by either cedar, oak or willow. The mansion is beautiful, but its real beauty is revealed by the moon light on full moon nights. 

The tiles of the roof and dark wood of the walls were especially made to glow an iridescent hue under silver mood, washes every nook and cranny of the whole mansion. It looks ethereal. To allot such a beautiful mansion to the Lan clan clearly shows exactly where the imperial family's favour lies. 

Lan Wangji is currently clutching his brother's hand in a death grip under his wide sleeves, sitting across their uncle and father squirming internally. 

Lan Qiren looks like he's about to deliver a stern lecture of behaviour , manners etc etc, taking pity in his little son Lan Qinghen intervenes, "Qiren, brother please do not scold Wangji, as he was clearly excited to meet Xichen as we all were excited to meet him after so long. He just acted on impulse."

Lan Qiren glared at his brother, clearly aware what he's trying to do, but thay didn't appease his mind. Seeing so Lan Qinghen presses on," you say so yourself that Wangji is your model student, he's has natural grace of a noble born, very intelligent snd diligent in his studies". Lan Qiren's expression noticeably softens. Seeing his cue Lan Qinghen says, "now Wangji, you must apologise to your uncle, and vow that you would not behave the way you did earlier! You have greatly disappointed your shufu. I didn't expect this from you" he faked a stern tone. 

Understanding father's trick Lan Xichen gave Lan Wangji's hand a brief squeeze, encouraging him to apologize. 

Lan Wangji gets on his knees and kowtows, " Wangji has greatly disappointed shufu and brought shame towards his family by behaving unmannerly. I earnestly begs for my elder's forgiveness to grant me apology, as I vow that Wangji will listen to his elders and behave modestly", he raises with head bowed, hands cups infront of him. 

Lan Qiren forgives him in a heartbeat . He cannot stand to see such gloomy expression on Wangji's face. Though he held up a facade of considering, then nods in acceptance," remember your vow Wangji. We are here to represent our clan infront of our society. Any slander is a slander to the family". 

"Wangji understands" replied Lan Wangji. 

To dismiss the matter quickly Lan Xichen jumps at the opening. "fuqin, shufu you must be tired after such long journey. I won't be keeping you from resting. 

The cooks and maids are well instructed, you need not worry about anything. 

Now I must excuse myself." with this he stood and bows deeply and left the room,evidently Wangji followed him. 

" dada! Are we now going to visit the market? "he asked hopefully.

Xichen looked at his brother's hopefully innocent huge eyes and groaned internally,'gods! How should I tell Wangji that have to wait for atleast the completion of ceremony'... Out side he smiled amicably," Wangji aren't you tired and hungry huh! How about you rest for the day, when the sun sets in the west we'll see to it, okay!", he tries. Truly. 

"but, but dada promised!" Lan Wangji pouts pitifully. "yes Wangji I did. But didi, dada is really busy right now. Even if we go, you won't be able to see many things as dada has to return for court works! So when I'm free for all day, we'll go and have lots of fun." he said enthusiastically, which he didn't feel. He doesn't know when he'll be able to have a full day break, but Wangji need not know that.. 

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