From Now Only Forwards

809 57 23

Extremely sorry for the late update, I had the outline ready almost two weeks ago, but I kept going back to edit this or that.
Please enjoy.

Shock must have been the one of the feelings Lan Wangji feels at this moment, confusing, happiness, shyness, fear are among the other ones. 

Seeing your intended, at such unusual hour of the night, unchaperoned, while in night robes, and hair undone must be the first and foremost kind of disobedience Lan Wangji just committed without consent. 

If the said intended is the Emperor of the nation, and is here looking desperate to speak something, does not make Lan Wangji to rush out of his room quietly through the window, yes window, and half runs half walks towards the alpha then nothing will make him act without tact. 

Lan Wangji stops at a hands distance from the alpha, his eyes looking at the handsome face of his betrothed, and in return being looked, noone says anything for a few seconds, then suddenly a strong arm engulfs Lan Wangji in a tight hug, fiercely, possessively. Lan Wangji hadn’t even noticed when his betrothed mobed forward, or when he went willingly into his arms. 

The subconscious part of their biology moved their muscles, both mind and body worked with similar intention in mind- to be ome with another. 

Their bodies touch at everywhere, with Lan Wangji's head pressed on Wei Wuxian's chest, both arms bounds him like a pair lf strong branches. Both their smells mingled beautifully, engulfing each other's mind in a blissful blanket, quitened down every other things. 

None wondered what'd happen if someone catches them embracing in the middle of the night, unchaperoned. 

Wei Wuxian for himself, couldn't careless of anyone's opinion. For this moment having hiis desired person in his arms is the priority, anything else can go and leap off of a cliff,with this thought in mind he hugs his betrothed a bit more tightly, inhales the sweetest scent on this earth, desiring to just engulf the sweet Omega right now and here. 

Lan Wangji was startled for a moment, suddenly being embraced in the arms of his betrothed is not something he has presumed. 

He wanted to break out of the embrace, but soon the scent of the familiar alpha soothed his omega into a tranquil state of mind. His body melted into the arms, and without any present thought he purred,causing his alpha to let out a low growl. 

Lan Wangji shivered in Wei Wuxian's arms, hugging the taller man desperately. 

Being a nobel born omega, other than his family noone had the privilege of intimately touching Lan Wangji. Even his family is frugal with physical affection, other than light pats of brief hugs. Having no friends or same age siblings to play, Lan Wangji had not hugged anyone who is  not his immediate family, the foreign feeling which also feels the most natural ever present, bloomed into an omega's most relaxed outer expression, a soft purr. 

What has been the omega's most relaxed reaction, lit a blazing fire inside Wei Wuxian. His alpha, starved, denied of their omega's scent and touch for a longtime even after being unintentional scent bonded, let out a low growl full of possessive passion. Wei Wuxian almost smothered Lan Wangji in his arms driven by his desire to become one with his chosen one. 

But a squek of pain, due to increased pressure, from Lan Wangji broke the trance he had been in. And slowly Wei Wuxian loosened his arms to let the omega breath a little freely. 

Ever since his mother told him about Lan Wangji's departure, Wei Wuxian's good mood had plummeted down the hill in a ridiculous way. Practically there is nothing unusual about the news, every bride to be starts their bridal parads from their natal home, Lan Wangji is not different,and technically they do not know each other or not bonded in anyway to feel this much misery at the prospect of not being in one another's vicinity. Little did they know- or suspects in Wei Wuxian's opinion- they are scent bonded, their secondary gender reacts to each others' distress and glory. 

To Make You Mine Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora