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I love using these A/Ns as some way for me to say pointless crap and have the actual story take up a tenth of the chapter

I wonder if writing was a good decision sometimes

Because every day I go without updating I feel as if I'm disappointing people

Also this one will be short, sorry about that

Just because I've been given a ton of time to do shit doesn't mean I'll actually do it

"Wait didn't I have that homework-"

Fine: wait a second

Fine: I think I read something once that said there were fencing things somewhere

Sera: actually I think those are somewhere near the corner

Fine: bitch I'm not going over there


Asslo: No.

Sera: Blyke, get your ass over here

Fine: yes ma'am sorry ma'am

Fine: thank you for your shitty ability, now, KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Asslo: well

Asslo: shit-

And Asslo was never seen again...

Fine: So now that they're dead let's get this fencing stuff

Sera: wait a second

Sera: we can get the new VIPMVP++++ ultra max+ plus pro++ extreme for just 100 million more dollars

Sera: s o l d

Fine: so what does that do

Sera: apparently we're getting ten beds that can fit twelve people, free soda, free alcohol, a tropical garden, tennis courts, swimming pools, basketball courts, football (both kinds) fields, tennis courts, bicycle trails, a kitchen with every kitchen supply one would ever need, eight 10k dollar gaming setups, four ps5s, three Xbox One Xs, ten Nintendo switch pros, five Nintendo switch lites, a library, every Nintendo game in history, every play station game in history, every Xbox game in history, twenty vr headsets, and the thing Asslo would love the most

Sera: saying he was actually alive,

Sera: soundproof walls

Sera: it's down the hall actually

Sera: about a mile down the hall but still

Fine: wait so then why isn't this considered the largest building in the world

Sera: because it's so large that they won't even accept it into their records

Sera: and also because the founder of those certain record placements have something against the guy who built this place

Fine: well fuck that guy

Fine: this place is awesome

Sera: I can go find him

Sera: but didn't you say we wo-

Fine: we don't talk about that

one "that never happened" later V2x1

Fine: what the fuck is this

Fine: "John X Elaine"

Bloobaree bich: I only serve one king

Fine: like I'd want some horny servant

Bloobaree bich: I meant a different king

Fine: how stupid do you think I am blue bitch ass

Bloobaree bich: idk

Fine: cool now shut up

Sera: why does walking take so long

Fine: because it does

Sera: I'm getting a golf cart or smth

Fine: are you sure you can even do that

Fine: I mean we're indoors

Sera: done

Fine: oh

Sera: also I'm only bringing you because I hate the rest of them

Remiiiiiiiiii <3: damnit

Sera: whheheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


one corpse later x2

Sera: that makes twenty

Blick: I'm scared to ask twenty what

Fine: people she's run over with a golf cart

Sera: 21!

Fine: damnit

five corpses later

Sera: and we're here


Sera: ain't my fault they can't dodge ¯\_༼ •́ ͜ʖ •̀ ༽_/¯

Blick: I'm pretty damn sure it is

Sera: should I make that list of people I've run over 27, John

Fine: yes


another corpse later

Blick: I hate this

Sera: that's what you get bitch

Sera: anyways why do people think of the weirdest shit when it comes to romance

Fine: because humanity is fucked up

Sera: fair

Sera: wait a second didn't you say you would-

Fine: we don't talk about that

• • • •

I'm back

I'll see you guys next year

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