emotional damage

237 12 12

It's 2 in the morning (when I'm writing this line) pls wish me a good night's sleep

Oh right that doesn't exist for me

Also part 50 yaaaaaaaaaaay

• • •

Fine: hey Sera what did you do with my charger

Sera: just make another one

Fine: that takes too much effort

Blick: "that takes too much effort"

Sera: so make some "effortless" ability

Fine: that takes effort which defeats the purpose

Sera: goddamnit this is why your mom doesn't fucking love you

Sera: shit

Sera: you know what I'll be back with that charger just give me a minute

whydoiexist: emotional damage

Asslo: Will there be any day where you all please stop taking?

Asslo: You're all so annoying.

Blick: and so are you

Asslo: Who's the god tier here?

Blick: who got abandoned by his girlfriend here?

Asslo: isen

Blick: fuck

Seseel has changed their name to Cecile.

Cecile: do you blame me?

Blick: no

Asslo: No.

Cecile: exactly

whydoiexist: hello darkness my old friend

Blick: lmao like you have darkness as a friend

whydoiexist: this is coming from the guy that got scammed 200 dollars trying to buy furniture that doesn't exist lmao

Sera: I'm back with that charger

Fine: yay

Fine: why didnt you use your ability btw

Sera: decided it wasn't healthy to depend on my ability all the time

Fine: lmao I stopped using mine for two years and still beat the shit out of people

Fine: without my ability

Fine: and trauma

Fine: and emotional breakdowns

Fine: and my shitty past

Fine: on the bright side there was boba tea

Fine: and that's it


Blick: yes

whydoiexist: no

Fine: fuck your pieces of shit

Fine: stupid autocorrect

Fine: wait "fuck your pieces of shit"

whydoiexist: John no please

Fine: hey Isen :)

Fine: why don't you do what I told you to :)

whydoiexist: NO PLEASE-

• • •

Sera: huh fall is getting here fast

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