remi makes character development

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Nickname changes:

(Nickname changes will be written in italics.)

John: SeraphinaSimp

Seraphina: Dio


Arlo: Gay Fortune Teller

Blyke: DonutMan

Remi: DefinitelyNotGay


Darren: Doc


Elaine: Satan

• • •

[Friday, 2:00 A.M.]

SeraphinaSimp: has anyone seen isen

DonutMan: mf it's 2 am 😭😭

SeraphinaSimp: I genuinely don't give a fuck

Satan: I want Arlo to give a fuck with me 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋

Dio: that literally doesn't even mean

Dio: I don't even fucking care enough

DefinitelyNotGay: good morning everyone!

SeraphinaSimp: ...morning...?

DonutMan: you gave her irreparable brain damage and now she thinks that the morning starts at 1:23.475 am

SeraphinaSimp: why tf is that so specific

DonutMan: why the fuck did you give her irreparable brain damage

SeraphinaSimp: she said I couldn't beat Goku

DonutMan: I fully understand now, I'm sorry for ever doubting you

Doc: one day I'm gonna find all of those fucking pieces of shit and kill off all of them

Leilah: Darren, you're not texting me directly

Doc: fuck

Doc: I swear those bitches are so fucking annoying

Leilah: you're still not

Leilah: nevermind

DonutMan: Hey John why do you never take doc out of existence

SeraphinaSimp: I feel kinda bad for going into the infirmary five times a day

SeraphinaSimp: I'm pretty sure I made him stay a few Saturdays too

Doc: motherfucker you made me stay Sundays

Isen: John being sympathetic?

Isen: crazy

SeraphinaSimp: how crazy would it be if I were to use some roman torture methods?

Isen: ...not so crazy?

SeraphinaSimp: correct answer, anyways, Where are you?

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