beginning of a trip to a (supposedly) haunted motel

156 7 20

Nickname changes

Arlo - Forkman

• • •

Fine: oh damn its 7 already

Fine: sera is there a place we can stay nearby

Blick: can't you just teleport us back to the dorms

Fine: if I gave a duck

Fine: suck*

Fine: fyck*

Fine: duck*

Fine: F

Fine: U

Fuck C

Fuck: J


Sera: you good?


Blick: John's crisis aside

Blick: is there anywhere we can stay for the night

Sera: ooooh

Sera: I found a place

Isen: what's the catch

Blick: tf you mean "what's the catch"

Isen: it's seraphina there's always a catch

Blick: oh right

Sera: it's supposedly a haunted motel

Sera: the lights flicker all night

Sera: the reviews say that you can hear screams starting at midnight

Sera: and apparently

Sera: multiple people went missing there

Forkman: Then how isn't the place shut down?

Sera: it says that if the place is ever shut down the souls that haunt that place will break out and terrorize the person who gave the call to shut it down

Forkman: Right.

Sera: let's have a vote

Sera: who wants to go

Fine: I vote yes

Blick: fuck no

Blick: i ain't risking my life for some stupid haunted house

Isen: im with blyke this place sounds scary

Forkman: I vote yes.

Elaine: I guess if Arlo says yes then I'll say yes

Fine: yo @Cecile

Fine: wake the fuck up

Cecile: hi

Fine: repeat after me

wellston but hell | unOrdinary ChatficWhere stories live. Discover now