laser tag but with blyke

181 10 15

Fine: where's my fucking boba

Isen: I think I saw Sera drinking some in the storage room

Fine: first of all, what the fuck were you doing in the storage room

Fine: second of all, thanks

Isen: I was punished for using my phone in class and now I have to clean the classroom

Blick: oh damn which one

Isen: 271

Blick: bro that's fucking huge

Isen: that's what she said


Blick: fuck you

Sera: John I won't confirm or deny I drank your boba

Fine: someone already confirmed it for me so you should watch out

Blick: wait isen you wanna play a game while you're cleaning

Isen: oh sure

Blick: let's play laser tag

Fine: isen

Fine: fucking run



Asslo: Can all of you shut the fuck up?

Fine: no one fucking asked you piss-head


Isen: oh thanks Seraphina


Sera: I need Isen so he can me dirt on John

Sera: and so John can get dirt on Asslo

Isen: johnsleepingwithhismouthopenlmao.mp4

Fine: Isen

Fine: remember how I told you to run

Fine: there's no point in running now

Fine: wherever you are I can find you

Fine: btw Sera you're fucked

Sera: I want to take that out of context

Fine: you'll live a lot longer if you don't

Sera: I thought so


Fine: yo isen if you get me dumb ass videos on everyone in this group chat (excluding me)

Fine: I'll save you and consider to not throw you into a different country

Isen: really?

Fine: ah shit autocorrect I meant continent

Isen: arloliterallysleeptalkingaboutwhichholetouse.mp4

Isen: blykeandremitryingtofigureoutwhatcolorgoldfishtheyshouldbuy.mp4

Blyke: bro how the fuck did you get that

Isen: I have my ways

Isen: seracryingoverateddybear.mp4

Isen: wait I don't remember taking that video

Sera: I never cried over a teddy bear actually

Leilah: John explain how the fuck he has the video

Fine: good question

Leilah: don't you have infinite knowledge or something

Fine: well yeah but I'm too lazy to use it

Fine: which means I don't fucking care enough to use it

Isen: elainebuyingher20thsextoy.mp4

Fine: the fuck do you know the exact number

Isen: because I have the 19 videos before that

Fine: bro what

Isen: cecilecryingoverhowterribleJune9th'sschoolpaperwas.mp4

Cecile: it really fucking sucked though

Isen: at least I'm not the guy that made it

Isen: John btw

Isen: I don't have dirt on Leilah cause idk who she is and I also don't know where she lives so I can't pinpoint her

Fine: ngl thats a fair reason

Fine: so I'll spare you for that

Fine: anyways I just threw blyke through the school

Blick: my back is in pieces

Fine: you'll live

Fine: it would be preferable if you didn't but whatever


Blick: you know you have no friends right

Fine: you know I can send you to hell this fucking second, right?

Blick: as I said, you have tons of friends

Fine: exactly

Sera: John did you steal my boba?

Fine: you mean my boba?

Sera: it's not yours though

Fine: what are so fucking mad about we have infinite boba

Sera: no we fucking don't

Sera: we got banned from this country's boba because of you

Sera: I had to import all of our boba from different fucking countries

Fine: I didn't check that far back into this universe ig

Sera: what the fuck is that supposed to mean

Fine: nothing you'll perceive

Blick: how'd John get himself banned from woaha boba 💀

Sera: he killed two workers there

Fine: apparently they got fifty different orders wrong

Fine: because I asked for mango boba, then i got strawberry, etc

Fine: eventually I got so pissed off I made a gun and shot him in the head six times, shot him in the arms twice, then I threw him into the second worker and it killed him on impact


Blick: classic John

Isen: I almost don't blame you but that was really excessive

Fine: I am John Doe

Fine: what the fuck was I gonna do, walk out with a smile?


Isen: okay that's a good point

Remi: why are neither of you surprised by this? You don't even look like you feel sorry!

Fine: shut the fuck up you dumb bitch

Fine: no one asked for your opinion

Blick: remi just shut up before he throws you into a different planet

Remi: oh, come on! He didn't even stand a chance when we fought against him with four people!

Fine: I guess from when I was joker and sent her to the hospital her memory got fucked up and now she thinks she won that fight

Blick: remi, he kicked our fucking asses

Remi: Liar!

Asslo: I do hate to admit it, but he did actually kick our asses.

Fine: exactly

Fine: wait you're fucking asslo I'm not supposed to agree with you

• • •

I still have no idea as to what I should say in my A/Ns

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