Chapter 7

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For several days, it was pretty calm. Nothing unusual was happening and neither anyone struck somewhere. Was our case closed this way? Not even from far.

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night from really terrifying nightmare. I was sweating, breathing heavily and shaking like crazy. It was some sort of natural disaster but I can't remember it exactly clearly. I looked around to see that everything was okay, then heard the thunderstorm that was outside with a lot of big hailstones, I was kinda surprised that my windows were completely alright considering those hailstones were big as tennis balls probably.

The other days were calm, i was at home most of the time, no matter that I wasn't supposed to work, I was trying to look into things more deep but I didn't do practically anything. Heh, I guess I would need Nina's and Vicky's brain for this, I started laughing at this thought. As I was searching through the Internet for something, the weather forecast caught my eye. "on Thursday, there will be a huge thunderstorm with very big wind in Nixous, there are very high chances of a tornado strike". "Now what kind of bullshit is this?" I thought to myself... Something like this never happened here before so why would it happen now so suddenly? "Some people should really use brain before posting something on the Internet, like this bullshit" I told to myself, looking at my goldfishes in big Aquarium I had next to my desk. Now I know what you are asking yourself. A cat having goldfishes? I have them as pets, not food, I don't like fishes. Bleh, disgusting. The fishes look at me just confused like "are you talking to yourself again Angela?" but either way, I think that even those fishes sometimes understand me more than people around me, or maybe I'm just weird. Those several days passed and it was Thursday. Now, I don't get what the people meant by huge thunderstorm, I am just going to work at 6pm and till now there wasn't any thunderstorm, it's still very sunny, it doesn't make sense. As I arrive at the station, greeted everyone and got my uniform on, heading to the laboratory meeting Nina, Vicky, Max and James working on the case, I looked outside the huge window we have here, to see the sky getting gray. Vicky noticed it too. "Huh, is it just me who needs better glasses or it is getting more gray than usual?" Vicky asked. That's when I told them about the weather forecast I've read and we all burst out laughing, except Vicky. She them proceeds to explain us that she once experienced it when she was very young, about 5 years old and that it is not funny to experience it. We all kind of just looked surprised at each other and stayed silent. From that Vicky, backed off a bit but person can't blame her for that. We worked for few hours, like two or three something until suddenly Vicky told us to stay quiet. We all looked at her like "what the actual fuck Vicky?", she was quite scared. So we all stayed quiet and listened. There was dead silence, no thunder, no birds singing, the power to that went off, just silence. Then out of the blue, the sirens go on full volume, it wasn't any training. We looked at the windows, only to see something big, dark and spinning coming to Nixous. Then suddenly the station sirens for emergency go on full volume, telling us to grab only important things we actually need and to immediately run to the basement of the station. I had luckily everything I needed in my bag, so I grabbed only that, the others did the similar thing and we ran through the stairs like if we were out of our minds. We barerly made it, James and Zara locking the doors behind us because we were the last ones. Working in room on third floor has it's bad side tho. I just hope that everyone who can are hidded, now I get what Vicky meant. This is very very scary.

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