Chapter 3

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Another week. Another Monday of moving back into my dorm with my suitcase. Just as I was about to unlock the door, I heard a crash and shout several dorms next to us. Some girl ran from that dorm, screaming that she found blood in the bathroom and that she can't find her dormmate. I calmly approach her and ask her "Who's your dormmate?". "Her name is Dark, I don't get along with her much but-" at that moment I stopped listening to her and burst through their dorm door, to find Dark's clothes and her suitcase with everything in it on her bed. Then I go to the bathroom, the window was open but there was quite a lot of blood. Then the teachers came in, called the police and told us to go to our classes. How am I going to be able to focus when my best friend is lost?! I just put things in my dorm, looked around, Victoria wasn't there yet which was weird but I just told myself that she got maybe sick, locked the dorm and went to my class. I think that it is quite obvious that I was not able focus on anything. Classes that day are one huge blur to me. At lunch, everyone was talking about what happened in the morning. No matter what Nina said months ago, she was very worried herself too. I wasn't even hungry, the food tasted like garbage anyway. As the day went by, classes ended, I approached my dorm again, it was empty. "I guess Victoria is sick then, I will text her" I said to myself and I did as I told. It took her about an hour to answer but she said that she's sick.
Time passed really fast.
Victoria wasn't at school much but she said that she just needs to heal from her sickness and that's all, so it made sense to me. While all of this was happening, me and Nina graduated from this High school. Victoria couldn't be there for some odd reasons, but I didn't minded that at all.
As time went by, I moved out of my aunt's house to bigger city and so did Nina. I still had brigade at that time, when Nina called me in the middle of my shift. "Hey, giiiirl! You won't believe me what I just got for us!" said happily Nina to the phone. "Talk then, I will tell you if I believe you or not" I said while rolling my eyes. "I got us both a job! My cousin's friend works at the police department, they are looking for colleagues with our specifyings! Isn't that exciting?!". I could tell that she was practically jumping out of excitement. I told her that this is more than great. We talked for a while, then she hung up and texted me more information about it.
This took us few weeks but we both got that job. This is such a fantastic life, isn't it? What could possibly go wrong?

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