Chapter 21

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The time was passing very slowly, more slow than usual. I was looking around and noticed few more people missing, like Nina, Charlie and Emily. I was leaned against the wall, Teddy was too weak to even stand so she sat on the floor leaned against me and Vera also sat on the floor, with sad expression. As I was lost in thoughts, Mike came to us, he wasn't satisfied and most-likely angry, or that's what i thought so i took a deep breath and was mentally preparing for punishment. 

"No need for those worried and sad expressions. Do y'all expect me to punish you or something?" Mike said, at that moment, Zara and Noah came with some weapons to show that they found their powers too. We three just looked at the floor, Mike then put hand on my shoulder. "Just because someone attacked you doesn't mean you failed that mission, because someone said it after beating your asses up. I'd have to be a very wild rabbit to punish you for something you couldn't control, in fact, we got what we needed" Mike mentioned with a smile and smirk on his face as he showed us Vera's camera. 

"We got out some photos of the attacker" said Zara and Noah added "Group 2 of Nina, Charlie and Emily had seen someone suspicious and the description matched the look of the girl who attacked even you three". We were shocked to say the least. "Did we fail the mission?" I asked. They shook their head as no. Mike proceeded to explain me more what "failing a mission" means in Blind Star. Mike explained to me, that if i want to know properly what failing a mission looks like, i shall ask Bibby what happened on her first mission with Charlie, considering Charlie never talks about it. 

After we were done chatting, i went to the computer lab room. Bibby was there sitting against a mirror, drinking coffee. So i went behind her and she probably didn't notice me because the moment she looked up at her reflection, with coffee still in her mouth and saw my white silhouette, she stood up very fastly, screamed and in panic threw her cup of coffee at me. Luckily, she barely missed me because i hid behind a table. "WHO'S THERE?!" she screamed. I peeked out from behind the table and gently waved at her with a nervous smile. her getting heavily relieved. "Sorry, i didn't meant to scare you" i said as i walked out from my spot, she just waved with her paw "hey, it's completely alright, even if i almost got a heart attack. I am just not used to people being there with me" she said as she started to collect those pieces of broken mug. "What exactly brings you here Angela?" she said with curious expression. "What happened with Charlie on your first mission?" i said as i took a piece of fabric and started wiping the floor from the coffee. Bibby froze. "That's a very specific thing. Somebody must've told you this, right? Because it was a tragedy for Charlie" Bibby said, accidentaly cutting herself from broken piece of mug. When I was wrapping her paw in bandage, she decided to tell me the story.

Last summer, they were on a mission to find a very specific hacker. Unfortunately, when they were about to get him, the hacker had one more card in his sleeve. The house blew up and while Bibby was injured, she was blown away, unlike Charlie who was trapped in the house. Part of her body was very badly burnt so on one half of her body, she doesn't have any fur and burnt skin. ¨

When i thought about it more, i remembered that in fact yes, Charlie didn't had fur on part of her face. From what Bibby told me, she most likely doesn't have it even on her arm, maybe even entire half of her body. 

As we were chatting with Bibby, someone suddenly bursted through the door. "Girls! You need to see this!" that was Nina and someone followed "you two won't believe who they caught, mostly you Angela" which was voice of Teddy. That obviously made us both curious so as those two walked to the main room, we followed. 

There we saw, the pinkish ninja with her cat who attacked us, passed out and tied up. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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