Chapter 13

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As I was going back to the station, it begun to heavily rain. Damnit. It was raining very heavily, so i told myself that I'll stay in the car for a while, as i was waiting i begun to feel very uncomforable..

I felt like someone is watching me

I tried to brush it off by turning on the radio and listening to the music but i still had this feeling..

When the rain got a bit lighter, i turned off the radio, the car and got out, locked it and started to walk to the station. I still had that weird feeling but i explained it to myself as a matter of fact that i just can't see much through the rain. I put on my glasses, hoping that i'll see at least a bit better, i did, but not much. I only sighed and kept walking. 

"We have her!"


Before i could even react, i suddenly got caught in something like a bubble or something. I tried to get it popped but it was magic so i tried to come up with a way to break it. Before i could do something someone threw shuriken onto that person with words "no, you don't". Those were robots who caught me. As i looked onto the other side, i saw those two cats that i was looking for..

Bibby and Vera

They weren't alone.. It was probably that aunt of theirs with them. "Me and Vera will take care of the robots, you take care of the bubble with her" said that cat, Vera nodded as she ran to those robots. Bibby suddenly looked at me, looking at the entire bubble as if she was looking for something, still in the heavy rain. Then she managed to make somehow an entire keyboard or something in the air as she wrote something in it and a little gun appeared. "See that triangle Angela?" she said as i looked above myself to see little red triangle, so i nodded but i was also confused.. How does she know my name. "Risk your life or burnt paws?" she asked, i responded "Burnt paws" as she smiled "Pull it down with all of your strengh, i'll shoot it and set you free but you'll have burnt paws". I did as she said and so did she. I was set free and immediately fell on the road and my burnt paws got colder thanks to the rain, although i was still bleeding. Bibby got closer to me, looking at my paws and she suddenly called "Aunt Teddy! We need medical help! Bleeding!". So Teddy? That was name of their aunt? I'll need to remember it.. Her and Vera arrived almost immediately with Vera having robot head in paws. Teddy just looked at my paws, took bandage and wrapped it around them. While that, Vera was taking some photos of me for some reason from all around. At some point, Teddy very roughly and hard grabbed my hand and looked me deep in the eyes with words "TELL SOMETHING TO SOMEONE ABOUT WHAT YOU SAW HERE THAT ISN'T YOUR JOB AS A SPY AND I'LL PERSONALLY MAKE A MESS FROM YOUR BODY" she let go off my hand, Bibby threw some pink dust to my glasses and face, i begun to cough and when i finally got everything back to normal, it was neither raining, nor robot parts were there and they all dissapeared. 

After like two minutes, i shook my head and headed to the station, i thought that i was covered in that pink shit or something and that in the station, everyone will look at me but to my surprise, none was but i still felt the dust itch my fur. Based on that, i contacted Lucille, Maine coon who is our specialist through cybernetics, working with photos etc and gave her the photos with info and also saying, a kind lie, that Betty later remembered that Bibby once called that woman Teddy. Lucille immediately got to work and i went to take a shower in the locker room. It also turns out that Norbit is clearly waterproof? I forgot to take him off and he seems to enjoy the shower as much as i did, which was kinda funny. I got out after like 20 minutes, got dressed back and went to Lucille to look more through it.

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