Chapter 15

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The next day was a rush. Not only that i kinda overslept but in general. Zara was there way earlier than usual, at least that is what Nina and the others told me. Zara was going and running all over the place, to the point where even Noah asked me if some of us gave her some drug to coffee. I obviously answered with no and that she was already like that when i got to work. He was weirded out just like i was though. He is pretty close with her, it sometimes really makes me wonder if these two are dating or not. That was always something that came over my mind from time to time.

As time went by, i was walking around helping others and getting ready myself for the evening. I didn't took many things, only the important ones. I know that anything can happen but at the same time, i hope that nothing will happen. And if something will happen, i hope none of us will get injured.

Time passed by really fast, it was almost 7 at night so we all took our things and got going. It was just like Zara mentioned, it wasn't very far from here, although it was very dark street.

I didn't feel comfortable there, someone is definetly watching us

We were all looking around but we didn't see anyone, not even any sound was heard. This silence made us all nervous. That all got off us when something was thrown to our faces, we all begun coughing, it was some sort of dusty substance. I didn't see anything much, until i saw Zara collapse on the floor, several figures dragging her away. "Zara..Zara!" i manage to say out during heavy coughing until my body started to give up on me. I almost fell on the floor but someone caught me, i felt female body against my back, i could tell she was tall. "who.." i tried to say but she put her paw over my mouth. "shhh, don't worry, we are not here to hurt any of you. You'll realise later what we want" she said. This female had very deep voice but yet, knowing that they don't have any bad intentions is good to know. "Hm, you have huge body strengh. Hey, give me that fabric, it will be needed on her" she said as she put something over my mouth and everything turned black.

I have no idea how long i was out but i managed to wake up first from my colleagues.I wasn't tied up as i expected to be, it was the opposite. I woke up on a comfortable mattress in a room with very little light in it so it wasn't hurtful to my eyes. As i was the first one awake, i decided to stand up and try to inspect the place. I put my glasses on to see if i can see anything more through it, nothing. The only thing i saw was a door so i put my glasses back up on my head. As I was about to open the door, someone else opened the door, the door showed up a tall bunny figure. I freaked out and screamed while backing up, waking up everyone. When i turned back to face him, i saw Zara pointing a gun to that bunny's head with a cold expression. "Hm, so the cat wasn't the only one awake i see" the figure said, it was a male. "Don't ya ever scare my worker like that ever again" Zara said with coldness in her voice. She was about to unlock the gun so she'd easily pull the trigger but the guy took her paw first. She got caught off guard. "Don't worry Zara, that cat girl knows that we are not here to hurt any of you, now just follow me and i'll let you know all of our intentions with you" he said as he let go off Zara and walked off. We decided to follow him because we clearly had no other option.

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