Chapter 4

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I don't know how much time passed, how much things we solved or anything. It all made me happy and so did Nina. However, this will change one day.
Nina had a night shift because she had to continue on some case or something. I was calmly sleeping at my apartment. It was middle of the night, about 2 am.
As I was sleeping, Thunderstorm begun and it woke me up. Nothing unusual. I looked up at my clock, only to realise that it was 2 am and that it was heavily raining. I just sighed and layed down again. When I thought that I would fall asleep again, I heard a loud bang outside. I immediately knew that this wasn't lightning because that wouldn't be so loud. My workplace wasn't far from my apartment and I was able to see it from the windows. I immediately went to the windows, as I looked at my workplace an actual lighting struck it and caused a huge fire. At the time, I heard a signal to evacuate all apartments where I live, so I only put my coat that I usually wear for work, took my keys, phone and ran down the stairs and to my workplace. At this time, there was already ambulance, police and most importantly firefighters. Ambulances were going like crazy, at this point I hoped that Nina was okay. I went to one of the ambulance workers, asked them if they saw tall brownish dachshund girl. That guy just pointed at someone sitting near the ambulance with bandage over her eye. As I looked at her, I saw Nina, completely freaked out. I ran to her and immediately hugged her, to calm her down. She realised who I am and hugged me back. I never thought that I will be so worried about my friend.
After Nina calmed down a bit, a police officer approached us. I knew this guy, his name was Max and he was husky, he used to work with me but ended up leaving to another city to get a better position. "What exactly happened? You were the one who saw what happened, cuz you were in the room" said Max. Nina then begun explaining. "I heard something, it reminded me of footsteps but it begun to heavily rain at the moment so I didn't thought anything of it and continued to work on the case. Then I don't know what happened exactly, but someone broke the glass windows and threw something my way, black smoke begun to come out of it, so I was not able to see what was happening. But I heard a shot, then saw a huge fire which means they shot something with benzin. I heard footsteps so I went after them, then someone caught me and scratched me over my eye so I wouldn't be able to see. Then I don't remember anything, just huge pain and laughter" Nina explained, while Max kept writing. "Thanks Nina" he then said and ran to his coworkers. The fire luckily got under control, even though it was huge fire. I took Nina to my apartment, to make sure that she will be safe because, due to the scratch, she got half blind. Because our workplace got destroyed, Max helped us all to get workplace at his job and with that, we decided to take the chance to help with the case.

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