Chapter 17

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"It matters what it will cost and what exactly we will have to do with you all" Noah and Zara said. Me and Nina continued our communication. Mike looked kinda satisfied but definitely not fully, so he stepped down again and came immediately to Zara and Noah. "Well, like i said, we have the same enemy, the one who caused your station to burn down Zara. But the one you saw isn't the boss of the mafia as far as we know, she just works under someone" Mike stated his reasons. That was when Nina got to the conversation "The black cat that crashed into our lab with the lightning and caused me blindness on one eye?" Nina said as she looked at Mike with suspicious expression, while Mike looked at her with pretty cold expression. "Ah Nina, always wise, smart and a person with good points on everything. When it comes to your question, the answer is yes, it is that exact person" Mike smirked at her as he turned his eyes back to Zara and Noah. They were very confused and so was I. The offer sounds good but what happens if we refuse? We have the same enemy but what could possibly happen if the plans don't work? They could stab us in our backs really badly. There was silence.

"We are in"

Those were words that came out of Zara and Noah. "Great! That way, I'd love to welcome you all to the team. In short, we will provide you this entire building with all of the things in it to help out the inspection. However, there is one rule we all follow here, it will also apply to Noah and Zara, not only me. Disobey the boss and you are becoming the enemy of Blind Star. Surely that's not something you want to face" Mike mentions to everyone. This put Zara and Noah on higher positions, leaving us on the same ones. Here's a little side note for myself

Mike is the boss of everything here

Zara and Noah are not on the same position like he is, they are more like deputies

Charlie, Emily, Teddy, Bibby, Vera, Max and Timmy, they are slightly higher than me, Max and Nina because they work for Mike directly unlike us

what a disadvantage

i hope that we will at least get along because if we won't, we are dead. possibly literally

Charlie suddenly jumped down, the hood from her hoodie almost slipped off her head during that, taking a closer look at me and Nina, then looking at Emily who was slowly going down to her. She was kinda limping which meant that she was injured somehow, not long after my notice, i saw her bandage over leg but it was soaked with blood, it was fresh. I decided that i will try to help her somehow since none except me and Charlie probably noticed it. With that decision, i approach them.

"Hey, your bandage is completely soaked with blood. Are you injured?" I asked politely while looking at Emily. She was kinda surprised so she looked down at her leg and saw it. "I didn't noticed it, i better change it" she said and sighed, limping somewhere else. I looked at Charlie and asked "Do you have First Aid kit somewhere?", she nodded and took my arm to the room where we found Emily, sittting on the floor. I took the First Aid kit, leaned to Emily, took off her bandage and saw a very bad wound. I took a deep breath since i'm not a fan of blood and i cleaned the wound carefully, puuting new bandage over it. "What happened? It is worse than i expected" I said with a worry in voice. Emily just looked at Charlie, while Charlie shook her head with words "not yet" as she begun walking back to the door. I was confused, obviously, but Emily clearly understood what was going on as she stood up, grabbed my arm and we walked back to the room. 

We were back in the huge room like before. But what was about to come, was something that i don't think that any of us expected. Mike, Noah and Zara stood up in front of us while Mike's workers nodded at him, all of them. Mike only smiled. "Congratulations to all of you, you all passed the test" he said while clapping with his workers. "Test?! What test?!" we all shouted from pure confusion. Mike only laughed and explained that as we all went to help his workers, we passed the test of trust and that they can trust us now. This gives me the reason why Emily didn't wanted to tell me, what happened, the wound was fake. Mike also explained that this way, we got split to working groups. While i will go on missions with Emily and Charlie, Max will help out Teddy, Bibby and Vera and Nina will work in the laboratory with Max and Timmy. 

Self note: do not make Charlie angry, just in case, i have now zero idea what she is capable of for now

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