Chapter 14

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Lucille wasn't able to find much but it was still something. I looked at it first myself, then called Max, Zara, Nina and Noah because there was definetly something useful to all of it and they need to see it. As soon as Noah saw the pictures, he immediately recognised Teddy, an old friend of his. "We used to be old friends, however i heard gossips and rumours that she actually managed to catch up with some sort of mafia. I'm not sure about it because she was always very secretive person, mostly after those gossips at school, she broke contact with everyone around her" said Noah and that really made me wonder, it is obvious that if it was true to not tell anyone about it but breaking a contact completely? That's kinda weird. "Mafia you say? As far as I'm concern, there should be only two active around this city, while one being literal definition of it, the other staying in the shadows ans just observing" said Zara as Nina signalised to Lucille to go through our database and look for something while me and max were trying to use our brains to come up with something.

Zara and Noah were discussing something for good 20 minutes. By that point, i think i got lost in my thoughts so much that a goddamn printer almost gave me a heart attack. That obviously caught attention of everyone. I thought that i will get scolled or something but the printer behind me was what caught everyone's attention. Nina and Lucille were printing out something. I looked at the computer and Lucille had some email opened, it was send from weird IP and also, it was some sort of cipher. I looked at the print and it was not only the email itself but also different ways how to decipher it.

Thf 15ao aol Isbl Olyvlz zaylla 19:00

dl dhua hss vm fvb aolyl


"We have several options to decipher it, however, this will take some time" said Lucille as she took all of the prints and looked roughly at all of them. Zara only sighed and Noah walked to a different room. I grabbed the printed email from Lucille, looked at it carefully and took at my phone. "High school hacks?" Nina asked with a grin. "Well of course, like miss Vanessa said, it's not important to actually know how to solve it immediately but how to help yourself to solve it" i said and took photo of the print. "Heh, that's why you passed all of your exams with an A then" Nina started laughing. "Hey, i was actually learning! I wasn't cheating that often" i begun laughing too. Zara only smiled at us, Max was laughing too and Lucille was probably lost in her thoughts. I did something with the photo on my phone and said that i have it all deciphered. Max looked at my phone and knew exacly what i did. "This hack saved me in high school, trust me" he said with a smile.

May 15th the Blue Heroes street 19:00 we want all of you there-M

"the Blue Heroes street? That ain't far from here. And an M? Makes me wonder how many people i know who's name starts with an M" Zara said nervously wagging her tail. I looked at Nina, she looked at me, we immediately thought of one person, however, this is not her style, she always said everything immediately, not be so mysterious. So we put that person on the other line. "May 15th is tomorrow" Lucille points out. "That means that we will all need to get ready, we need to be prepared for everything. Anything can be possible by this point. Imma go for Noah, he needs to know this since he's going too" said Zara as she rushed through the door. Since Zara almost panicked at that information, that gave the rest of us a signal, that tomorrow won't have any mercy with us when something happens.

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