Chapter 6

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It took us about an hour to be at the crime scene. We barerly found anything. But at least it was something. Some pieces of fur, fabric and a weird letter. It had a bunch of letters which made literally no sense to both of us. We already sent a photo of it to Max, who promised that he will try his best to solve what could that mean. But even he said that it was very confusing. After that, we decided to leave with those clues in special plastic bags and got going to the police station in Nixous.
Nixous is one of the biggest cities we have in our country, me and Nina are currently working there but hopefully not for long.
As we got back, Noah, boss of Max, was waiting for us. We immediately thought that we did something wrong, but after few seconds of confusion, I noticed Zara behind him, she was smiling. We actually got promoted but that's something off topic.
We got to the laboratory with James, who has same job like Nina, we gave him the clues and they both immediately started to work on it. I was sitting there on a chair about three metres away so I won't bother them there, half asleep. I think I was actually starting to fall asleep when suddenly Max burst through the door and like expected, none of us expected it, we all freaked out and I obviously fell from chair. "Geez, you all look like I just caught you three having sex together or something" he says as he starts laughing. "That's not funny Max, next time knock first! What if we were working with something dangerous and as you will scare us, we will drop it?!" said James really angry. I don't blame him honestly, he has a point. Max helped me to get up back to my legs. "By the way, why am I here. I got the letter and I finally know what it means" says Max as he starts waving with two papers. "well then, what is it? Will you tell us or you'll wave with it there like some sort of flag of Nixous?" as I said. Max only laughed and nodded.
It turned out to be some sort of Cipher, which I don't remember name of, but Max got it solved, which is the most important. This is one of very few reasons why I admire him. Everything you give him, he manages to solve or at least do something with it no matter what.
"Nixous, Walkerman Street 77" was what it said. What could this be? It is Adress of this police station. Does this mean, whoever is doing this, they're planning to attack even here?

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