Chapter 2

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As we stopped at the gas station, Nina got the gas, got us both coffee and parked a bit further from the gas station so that we won't be in the way for other people at the gas station. As we got out, I immediately had to stretch my back cuz sitting for that long isn't good for my problems with my back. "Your pills Angela" Nina said as she handed me from my back my own pills, I took one and threw it back. Nina got out, leaned against the car and tapped on the roof of the car to signalise me to get next to her, so I did. We were drinking our coffees for a while. Then Nina started. "About that thing earlier what I told you in the car. I lately don't get along with Dark much. While she's with you, she's different, when there's only two of us together, we argue a lot. That's the reason why I am not at dorm anymore and from what I heard from the girl, who is in my class and is her dormmate, they don't get along either". I was kinda shocked. Dark was always such a sunshine to me. I know that her life at home isn't easy but I never thought that it could effect her this much. "You know her relationship between her and her family, maybe she just needs to get the anger out of herself" I said kinda worried while drinking my coffee. "yeah yeah, and that's why Shannon had huge scratches on her face from her" Nina said calmly as I surprisingly spitted out my coffee on the road and begun to choke. Nina immediately put both of our coffees on the roof of the car and begun to help me. Dark was never aggressive, we know each other since kindergarten. There must be some sort of mistake. I just looked at the ground, trying to process what my own best friend just told me. "I know that you two know each other since you were little and with that, I think she grew unhealthy obsession with you a bit Angela" Nina said as she looked at me with sad face. At the same time my phone rang, it was my aunt asking me where the fuck I am. I calmly told her that I'm with my friend and that we will just finish our coffees and we will go, then I hung up. As we finished our coffees, we got to the car and headed to my house, which was not far away from the gas station. When we got there, I took my things, waved at Nina as she went away and I went to the house. My aunt, she wasn't the nicest woman but at least she decided to take me to her house while I study and both of my parents rest at the cemetery. Even though they were abusive to me and my little sister, they were still our parents. Now my sister is in better place, the heaven and I hope mom and dad are in hell. I immediately went to my room to unpack my things and look at myself in the mirror. I was still trying to process what Nina said.
"yeah yeah, and that's why Shannon had huge scratches on her face from her"
*flashback ends*
I looked at my reflection and then at the photo where it was me and Dark as children. Why would she suddenly change so much? It doesn't make any sense to me. I think that this is going to hunt me for long time. As I was lost in thoughts, I didn't noticed my aunt bursting into my bedroom, screaming that she called me three times to get downstairs for dinner.

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