Chapter 19

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Etxp rzpd clntyr mj ld esp nle td detww hltetyr qzc esp xzfdp ez nzxp, esp xzfdp dppvtyr spwa qczx zespc xtnp, qzcxtyr l eplx ez rz lyo nlens esp nle, hstwp estd td lww ufde l hldep zq etxp. wpgpw 9, 19:00

Clearly a cipher but before i could even finish reading the text as a whole thing, Bibby basically summoned some things from the air, including very light blue something like replica of herself. This caught attention of some of us and the other team noticed us being surprised. "Whatcha staring at? Never seen magical powers?" suddenly a sweet voice spoke, it was Vera. We all just nodded, she suddenly took my paw and dragged me somewhere, to a completely different room. 

In this room, there we weapons like guns, polearms, bows and things like that, chemicals and a big screen. The screen suddenly lit up and something started. Vera explained that each furry creature in this world has some sort of magical power, it's only matter of time before they discover it, usually in critical situations. She also mentioned that their team has been watching and spying on us for a while now and that I, actually discovered my power during my gun licence and it means that my weapon is definitely a handgun. I was wondering for a while what could that possibly mean and when did this happen... Then i suddenly remembered

Back in the last fall, when i was getting my gun licence at the shooting range, some guy was bipolar very heavily and begun shooting at everyone, i took my handgun i had, pointed it at his arms and as i was about to press it, some greenish-blue light appeared, then i finally shot. It blew both me and the bipolar guy off but we weren't injured, i scared him off that way.

Back to present, i looked again at all of those weapons. "Why bother only looking when you can take it Angela?" said Mike who just came to the room. I looked at him, still unsure but i took one of the handguns, dark hand gun with blue lightning stripes that were actually lit up, it was fascinating to me. I looked over to my right where i saw Mike guiding Nina to some chemicals, explaining some things that i didn't understood because i am not a chemistry nerd like my best friend is. Looking around the room, i saw some heavily pinkish bow with arrows, purple polearm with ribbon on and even katana with shotguns and more handguns, similar to mine. Perhaps those were weapons for each member of Blind Star, which would be reasonable.

The night appeared fastly and we all went to our rooms but before that, i was assigned to go on a mission with Vera tomorrow. At this point Bibby cracked the cipher but we need to get more information so me and Vera will go there somewhere near by, if we can find anything suspicious about the place in general. I was just sitting on my bed, wrapping new bandage around my hand when suddenly, someone knocked. It was almost midnight so i was very weirded out but i opened anyway. There was Bibby, Vera and Teddy. "Oh hello, need anything?" i said with only my bandage over my chest and long pants. "Our apologies for seemingly disturbing you when you were changing but we need to give you some information about the mission you are going to tomorrow" said Teddy with clear tiredness in voice. I only told them that it is okay and let them in. Bibby made suddenly a big board out of thin air literally, there was the address and the decoded cipher that we recieved earlier.

Time goes racing by as the cat is still waiting for the mouse to come, the mouse seeking help from other mice, forming a team to go and catch the cat, while this is all just a waste of time. level 9, 19:00 

This was definitely pointing on the fact that we are forming a big team but who could be stalking us this much? Anyway, the only building with this much floors, is in the West Littletown. Well then, it is settled then, we are going to the West Littletown tomorrow.

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