Chapter 10

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The very next day a door bell kinda scared me while i was feeding my fishes so i guess my fishes have more than enough food by this point and i think that the door bell scared even them because they went to hide immediately.
I put the food down and went to open the door, i was greeted by my boss Zara and a little tiger girl hiding behind her. I let them inside and gave them guide around my entire apartment. "Mary, this is Angela, she is one of those people who work for me, i don't think that Angie will mind that you'll call her auntie". Mary, Zara's daughter was very shy but i don't blame her, i am practically a stranger to her. At least that's what i thought until she saw that i have fishes. "Auntie Angie, you have fishes as pets?" she said curiously, by that point, those fishes caught even Zara's attention. "Yeah, they were gift from my best friend very long time ago Mary, unfortunately she is currently lost" i said as i tried my best to talk with her relatively normally. After that, i realised that Mary is actually opposite of shy and she was full of energy, by this point i was glad that i had the aquarium in the wall because i'm sure she'd knock it over at some point of her one week stay with me. Obviously Zara was lecturing her quite a lot, I know Zara long enough to know that she might be strict but she is fair and trustful.

As time went by, Mary had to go to sleep. It was pretty early for me and Zara to go to sleep. I checked on my fishes if they are still alive or something and by the time i looked back, Zara was gone in my office. Huh? What could she be looking at there? It made no sense to me so i went there after her. She was looking at some of my old photos, Nina was there and so was Dark, my aunt and even very old photo with my sister and parents. She was looking at that specific one until she heard me coming to the office. "I remember this case, parents killing their 3 year old daughter and then even shooting each other over an argument while their 5 years old daughter was in school, coming home to horrifying scene, calling her aunt and that aunt calling the police" she said while coughing "I barely got that job back then, i was there for two days and got called for this, it haunted me for very long time" she said, still looking at the photo. I only leaned against a wall in silence with my ears down. "honestly, when you came to this town to join us in our police department, i immediately knew that you look familiar from somewhere, but for God's sake i couldn't recall from where. Now, i understand it all" she said as she turned to me. "I assume that the woman that was looking for you in the hospital was Celeste's, your mother's sister Alice, she took care of you after you lost your biologivcal family, right?" she said with curious expression. "What? How do you know my mother's name and even, how do you know all of this information?" I was so shocked by that. How was that even possible? She knows so much that it almost made me uncomforable. Zara only laughed "Angie, me, Celeste and Alice were best friends in high school and partly in college, just like you, Nina and the friend who gave you fishes. Unfortunately Celeste caught up with a bad group of guys later, ended up falling in love with Marvin, your father and had you with your little sister. Me and Alice begun to argue because of that and we all separated, we went with our own paths" Zara said and it really made me think about relationship of my parents when i was younger. Screaming, things being destroyed, fear alcohol, drugs... the rest of it is a one big huge blur.. just no memories of anything good.. only pain..

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