Chapter 1

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I have no idea what exactly happened last night. I probably passed out last night while studying. In the morning, I woke up by my dormmate Victoria shaking with me, that it is morning and time for school. I was very tired and didn't wanted to do anything, but luckily it was Friday. After few minutes, Victoria was ready and so was I and we headed up for breakfast. The way to the cafeteria was long so while we are at it, let me introduce myself.
My name is Angela and I'm 19 years old. I'm a Norwegian forest cat and a student of High school for police. This school can be quite difficult for someone, but I want to work for cybernetics. Basically hunting down hackers and I think you get what I mean. As me and Victoria finished our breakfasts, we both headed to our classes. On my way, I heard someone shouting my name. "Angela! Angela!" "Dark, don't shout! We're not alone here you idiot" was what I heard and this conversation came from my best friends, Nina and Dark.
Nina is the popular girl and basically is walking stereotype of a girl. Except that she's not mean and she has good heart. She's a Dachshund and wants to work with microscopes at police, I think you know what I mean, basically the smart guys in the police department.
Dark is a black cat, who does not bring bad luck, she's the sunshine of our trio. She's on cybernetics like me, except that she's in different class because there were too much students for one class.
As they both approached me, Nina barerly caught her breath while Dark was full of energy and hugged me immediately, so I hugged her back. From Nina's expression, I could tell that she was embarrassed by the entire thing with Dark that just happened. We talked for a while, then Nina had to head up to class, so did I and Dark, but we walked together since our classes weren't far away from each other. The day went by and then came lunch.
Since our school is like labyrinth, our teacher let us go earlier to get there. I waited for Dark and we went to get lunch. We sat alone until we saw Nina looking for free seat, so I waved at her to signalise to sit with us. We chatted a bit, then finished lunch and get along with our classes. As the school day ended, my aunt texted me that she can't pick me up today. I was kinda pissed so I called Nina if she can get me home with her car and she agreed, she gets to school by her car and isn't at dorm like me. I packed up my dorm, Victoria was already gone and went in front of the school, where I waited for Nina. I waited for just few minutes, then I saw Luxurious car coming near and I actually wasn't surprised that Nina owns it, her family is very rich but she's not greedy. As I put my bags and everything in the back of the car, I sat next to her in the front and we headed to house where I live with my aunt. I saw that she had kinda sad expression. As a person who used to be abused I can tell, that there was something on her mind. So I decided to be honest. "Nina?" I asked, "Yes Angela?" she said kinda surprised. "Is everything OK? You seem worried" I asked, she sighed only. "My Fuel is quite low, we will head to the gas station first if you don't mind, I will explain it to you there, just promise me that you won't tell her this, ok?" she said with worried tone in her voice. It made me feel kinda worried and scared but I told her "OK, I promise".

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