Chapter 11

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I don't know how much time passed.. i really don't know..

But we talked for very long time, i got to know a lot more about both of my parents, maybe more than i even needed to know. It was horrible and at some point i really wanted to take that photo and throw it out of the window. I'm sure that Zara saw the anger and disgust in my eyes.

"What was even your sister's name? She had very short life" she said with a sad tone in voice. "Her name was Meghan" i sighed. "Angie, do you really think that they killed Meghan and then themselves? As far as i know from Alice, they were nice to you two, just not to each other. Which wouldn't make them have a reason to kill Meghan in the first place and if so, they'd wait for you to come back, kill you and after that shoot each other. I was giving this a thought a long time ago but i didn't got enough evidence to actually confirm it and none believed me in the first place because i was a begginer and barely got the job back then" Zara said with uncomfortable expression. "Wait, do you mean that there was someone fourth? Like that deaths of those three wasn't incident because of an argument?" I immediately asked confused completely. Zara only nodded. "The lock to your bedroom door back then was broken, they used their body force to try to even find you but you weren't home, which is what saved you" Zara said in serious tone and i only froze. This was getting too drastic to me...

The next day i woke up pretty late, Zara was at my apartment and told me that Mary is in school at the moment already. She said that after breakfast, she will tell me something important and that it might change my career as a policewoman. I think that at this point, nothing can surprise me.

At least i thought that it can't

I made myself breakfast, ate it, changed to some comfortable clothes, went to feed my fishes and went to the living room where was Zara sitting over hot cup of coffee. I don't drink coffee which means she must've brought it with herself. "Coffee Angie?" she asked nicely. "No thanks, i don't like coffee" i smiled a bit awkwardly and she smiled back. I sat on the couch and at that moment, Zara begun to explain me some history of some special jobs when it comes to police. It was all about special spies, how dangerous are their missions and how important they are. This was interesting and everything but why was she telling me this? Why now? Mostly after everything that happened recently? I had so many questions in my head, to the point where i was just wondering, being lost in my thoughts i didn't realised that i was spacing out.

"Angie? Angie.. Angie!" my boss shouted at me and i got brought back to reality. "I'm very sorry Miss Zara.." i said feeling bad. "Well, i suppose that you haven't heard the last sentence what i told you, right?" she said with really questionable expression as I shook my head to signalise as "no". Looking at the table, she shoved a little metalic blue bracelet to me, I took it to my paw and was shocked what happened. That little metalic thing turned into little scorpion that started to swirl around my wrist of hand until it found a good place and turned back into metalic blue bracelet. "W-What was that?!" I only managed to get out of myself otherwise being speechless. Zara only laughed "This is Norbit 042A, metalic scorpion and practically alive bracelet for special spies, like you and this one is yours, you can name this thing however you want".

Me?! a SPY?! What the actual fuck?!

Yet again, i was... Speechless. This felt like a dream but also a goddamn fucking nightmare. I only looked at Zara with expression full of questions "but why me? Will I be alone? What even am I gonna do as missions?". "Nina, Max and at the moment, finding one specific organisation will be your goal" Zara said with cold expression. "I'll give you all of the folders and information that you'll need and we have about them yet. Here are the folders and trust me, Norbit will really help you there since it already has those informations in. Norbit will also provide you guides and protection with your magical power. This magical power will also help you how to fight in critical situations." Zara said, giving me folders and i started to look through them. "Three cats, one bunny, one dog...". Two cats in particular catch my eye, black-white with green eyes and orange-brown-black with white paws.. "I've seen those two cats in my favourite café several times, they go there pretty often just like i do. They seem to be family relatives from what i heard from their conversation" I say to Zara who seemed pretty confused "the barista, Betty, might know them, I can ask her about them if she knows something that might be useful" i said calmly. Zara was wondering for a while and then spoke up. "Yeah but meet with her after closing the café if she will know something, during the opening, it would be suspicious, okay? As far as we know, the colourful isn't dangerous, just taking photos of places of interest. She was there even when we got attacked. However, we are not too sure about the other one, if you look at one photo closely, she can be seen holding some sort of gun but none knows for what she was looking for because we checked the photos several times and found nothing" Zara said and sighed. I assumed that the mission is starting next week after i'm back to normal... I was wondering let's just say that..

I'm going into it

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