Chapter 4

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Two days later

Perrie's POV:

"Not that I didn't love hearing from you, but could you maybe explain why I'm here?"

That is a good question. I knew why I wanted her to be here when I called, but right now, I'm not so sure anymore. Yes, I do need help with my whole Jade situation, but I'm about 991% sure I'm crossing a line here.

The brunette in front of me starts waving her hands in front of my face. "You still there, Perrie?"

I blink a few times and focus back on the hazel eyes that look so much like Jade's. "Uhm yeah. I called you because I thought you were maybe in my situation once, and I thought that maybe you could help me. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping here, but I really need some help. If you think this is weird, we can just forget this eve.."

Camila places her hand on top of mine to make me look at her. "Perrie, breathe. Would you mind telling me what your situation is? I have no clue what you are talking about." She gives me a sweet smile making me stress out a little less.

"Were you ever in love with Lauren?" It slips out of my mouth before I can stop myself and by the look on Camila's face, she didn't see this one coming. Her mouth is slightly hanging open and her eyes are wide.

"Wow. I really thought you were going to talk to me about going solo." The Cuban girl chuckles nervously.

"Can we maybe talk somewhere a little more private than this crowded coffee shop?" Okay, that's good. At least she wants to talk about it with me.

"Yeah, of course! Why don't we just go to my place?" I say, already standing up from our table.

"Sounds good."

I walk out of the cafe with Camila right behind me. There are about twenty paps outside, which doesn't surprise me seeing how popular Camila got this last year.

When they all start coming closer, shoving their cameras in our faces, I quickly grab Camila's hand to lead her through the crowd, so I don't lose her.

Ten minutes later, we are walking inside of my building. "Wow, is the paparazzi always so crazy over here?" Camila says stunned.

"Only when something special happens, like you being in London without announcing it," I say with a wink before I open the door to my apartment.

"Make yourself at home."

The brunette walks in and takes her time to look around my apartment. She stops in front of a photograph and starts giggling. When I step closer, I see which picture she's looking at.

"Oh my god, look at fetus Little Mix." She picks up the picture to look at it closer.

"I remember when we were like this. Fetus Fifth Harmony had good womb experiences."

"What?" I ask in confusion. She puts back the picture and walks to the couch.


We sit down next to each other and I don't know how to start this conversation. I don't want to say anything inappropriate. After all, I don't know Camila very well.

"So... Me and Lauren." The brunette says and turns to me. "Know that I'm only talking about this because you told me you're in the same situation."

I nod my head and look at her expectantly. "As you thought, I did fall in love with Lauren. I can't tell you exactly when it happened, but I think there was already something there when we met. Lauren and I went about it completely wrong, though."

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