Chapter 22

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Jade's POV

To say that things between Perrie and me are bad would be an understatement. It feels like we're at rock bottom.

It has been a week since the incident and we hadn't had one normal conversation. When we were with the girls, I stayed away from her because being around her felt like someone squeezing my heart. I just couldn't deal with it.

She had come over to my place once to apologize. But I couldn't control my temper and we ended up screaming at each other until my neighbours came outside to see if everything was okay.

Usually, I don't even have a bad temper, but since it's the second time Perrie hurt me like this I decided to turn all my pain into anger. This caused all of my friends to keep their distance from me cause they knew that I didn't need much to start yelling at someone.

Long story short, I have been very lonely the last week and I am getting sick of it.

I pick up my phone and dial Leigh-Anne's number. She picks up after the second ring sounding worried. "Hey Jade, everything okay?"

"We're going out tonight. Meet me at my place at eight." That is all I say before ending the call and starting to get ready.

Perrie's POV:

I feel miserable.

I have tried everything to stop myself from feeling miserable, but nothing's working. Just now, I'm trying to watch a movie to lift my spirit, but everything just reminds me of Jade.

How could I be so stupid?

I knew how Emma felt towards me, but that didn't stop me from going out with her and acting way too close towards her.

The second she began ordering shots, I should've kept my distance. Drunk me is always an affectionate me. The possibility of giving her wrong signals while drunk is very high.

I pause Frozen in frustration and decide to just go lay down in my bed even though it isn't even that late yet. It's very unlikely that I'm going to be able to distract myself from everything Jade, so why not just give in.

Just as I thought, my mind doesn't stop thinking about Jade even long after midnight. I know that I can't afford to lose this much sleep when preparing for the tour.

I'm inherently bad at picking up choreography and it only gets worse when I'm tired. This whole situation is just making everything an emotional rollercoaster.

Just as I'm thinking that I hear a faint sound coming from the living room. I scramble out of bed to realize someone is knocking at my door.

Cautiously I open the door to be met with plump lips pressed against mine. As if on instinct, I wrap my arms around the petite body and sigh into the kiss.

Way too soon to my liking Jade pulls back and looks in my eyes with hers that are tear-stained.

"Are you o-"

"I love you, Pez." The brunette says before kissing me again. "I love you so fucking much."

For a second, I think about the possibility of Jade being drunk. But there isn't even a faint taste of alcohol on her lips, so I pray that she's sober.

"I love you too, but I honestly don't understand what's happening."

"Let me explain then."

Jade's POV:


Leigh and I walk into the club looking like two badass chicks. We immediately make our way to the bar and order a light drink. I didn't want to go out tonight to get smashed when I have to be at the dancing studio tomorrow. I just want to have some fun with my girl.

"So, how are you doing, Jade? You seem a little off lately."

"Just some trouble with Perrie, but it's fine. It won't damage the band."

"Do you really think that's the only thing I care about?" Leigh says with a frown. "About how the band will be doing? I care about you and Pez too. Are you two going to be okay?"

"We'll see," I say with a lump quickly forming in my throat.

"Let's just have fun now, okay?" Leigh nods her head happily before pulling me onto the dance floor.

It doesn't take long before guys come talk and flirt with us, but their attention doesn't compare to the blondes. What would she be doing right now?

Maybe I should try to tone down my anger when I'm around her, so we can finally have a decent conversation. On the other hand, it's her who should make an effort since she's the one who cheated on me.

The thought of Perrie cheating brings tears to my eyes, so I quickly turn around from the boys and walk to the bar to get myself a coke.

While I'm waiting for my drink, I overhear a conversation between two complete bitches.

"Did she really believe that?"

"Yeah, totally. I just got her drunk as fuck and told her the day after how we kissed."

"No way. Did you even get close to kissing her in reality?"

"Sadly, no. She kept rambling about this other girl the whole fucking time. It was so annoying."

I look up from the bar because the voice sounds oddly familiar and see no one else but fucking Emma Watson sitting on a bar stool gloating over mistreating my Pez.

The second my coke is set in front of me, I take it and walk over to Emma. "You fucking bitch." I say before throwing my coke all over her hair and dress.

I turn around right after and walk straight to Perrie's apartment.

- ­End flashback

"You didn't do anything, Pez," I say happily while repositioning myself on her lap.

The blonde softly kisses the tip of my nose before looking down sadly. "But we both believed I did. That has to mean something, right? We both don't trust me in this relationship."

My hands grab Perrie's cheeks to make her look deep into my eyes. "You're right that it's a bad thing that trust is missing, but trust can be gained."

The blonde nods her head slightly. "We just both need to try and trust you, okay?"

A soft smile spreads on her pink, plump lips. "You want to try?"

I smile adoringly down at the younger Geordie before leaning forward until our lips are just inches from each other. "Of course I do. I'm sorry for the past week."

"Me too." The blonde mumbles before closing the distance between our lips and softly massaging mine with hers.

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