Chapter 9

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Perrie's POV:

Today is another day filled with press and promo for our new album. Which also means another day close to Jade. After we had breakfast together, Jade got a call from her friend Danielle. She wanted to spend the day together, so we parted ways. I haven't seen her since and I don't know how she will act towards me when the other girls are there.

I really want to talk to Jesy about this situation, but I'm scared that she won't approve and it will tear apart the band. I'm still debating whether to talk to her or not when I step out of the car to enter the radio station.

Jade and Leigh-Anne are already waiting at the entrance and just as I step inside, so does Jesy. Jade smiles brightly at me and seems genuinely happy. I hug all three of them but linger my hand a little longer on Jade's arm.

We start walking to the studio together and Jade easily falls into step next to me. "Hi, how are you?" The brunette asks lightly.

"I'm good. What about you? No regrets yet?" Regretting my words a little when I see a frown on Jade's face.

"Of course not. We talked about this, Pez. I'm going to let myself feel and stop holding back. Do you regret this?" There is so much vulnerability in her voice when she asks me and when I look over, her eyes hold a lot of insecurity.

What is going on here? Is she scared that I'm going to reject her because that would never happen? Let's face it, I'm already in too deep to deny her.

Realizing she's still waiting for my answer, I shake my head firmly. "No

ragrets." I say, winking before we enter the studio.

The interview is going just as planned until Jade somehow finds her confidence back and starts trailing her hand up and down my thigh underneath the table. When I try to glare at her, she just keeps looking forward like nothing is going on.

Her hand goes up even more and almost gropes my center, making me squirm in my seat. I try to roll my chair as far away from her as possible, but Jesy is on my other side, blocking my way. She gives me a strange look when she realizes how close I am and looks me up and down, clearly seeing Jade's hand on my thigh.

Jesy arches her eyebrows at me but turns her attention back to the interviewer. There is no way in hell that she's not going to question me later, but I really can't dwell on that right now.

It's so fucking hot in here. Jade's pinky runs over my area, making my hips shoot forward a little. I quickly place my hand on top of hers to try and keep her from moving.

When Jade answers the next question, I can clearly hear the smirk in her voice, but I won't look at her. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of seeing how turned on I am because I know that my eyes are probably already darker than usual.

Luckily for me, the interview is coming to an end and we can leave the room. Once we get outside, our manager tells us that our car is stuck in traffic, so we'll have to wait a little longer before we can go to our next interview.

I decide to stay close to Leigh, so neither Jade nor Jesy can come to talk to me. "Is everything alright, Pez? You seemed a little quiet during the interview." The older girl asks me concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I was just thinking about some stuff I still need to do at home before I move out." I answer not so truthfully. "What lipstick are you wearing, by the way? It looks really good on you!"

As I hoped, Leigh starts animatedly talking about her make-up and doesn't question me anymore.

"Pez!" I turn my head and see Jade standing in a doorway a little bit further. "Can you come in here? I need your help with something."

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