Chapter 24

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Jade's POV:

Perrie seems close to crying, so I quickly pull her aside, causing Leigh and Jesy to move back also and give us some space.

"Look, I know that this is not ideal, but we're going to get through this, okay?" I ask while stroking the back of her head comfortingly.

Perrie's breathing is starting to pick up a little. "I'm so scared, Jade."

"I know, babe, it is fucking scary, but we have to get through this. I love you so much, so I'll do everything to make this as easy as possible for you."

Perrie's breathing is getting heavier by the second and I see panic in her eyes. "Get. Jesy." She manages to choke out between her ragged breathing.

"JESY! Perrie needs your help!" Jesy ends up next to us in less than a second and grabs Perrie's hands in her own. "Okay, babe, we're going to breathe together."

Leigh takes my hand and pulls me back a little. "Give them some space now. Jes knows what she's doing." I nod my head and turn towards Leigh.

"Look, babe, I know that you're scared, but there's really no need to be. The fans will accept the two of you in no time. They love you guys together." I shake my head at Leigh's words and look over my shoulder towards Perrie, who's still breathing very heavily. "The only thing I'm scared of is losing her because of this."

"She's not ready for this. We talked about it just today and she told me how scared she was about coming out and now she didn't even get a say in it."

Leigh pulls me into a comforting hug, rubbing my back as she does so. "I know that you guys will get through this. Jes and I will help as much as possible."

"Thank you, babe," I say as I pull away from the hug.

Jesy and Perrie make their way over to us a few minutes later and I instinctively wrap my arm around my girl's waist. "Are you okay?" The blonde just nods her head and gives me a weak smile.

"Come on, Leigh, I think those two need some time. See you girls tomorrow!" Jes exclaims giving the both of us a hug, Leigh following close behind.

The moment the door shuts, I turn towards Perrie, giving her my full attention. "How are you feeling?"

The blonde seems nervous, but her eyes soften once they meet mine. "I'm scared as fuck for the possible backlash. I wouldn't want to go through this with anyone else, though." Perrie says with a warm smile on her face.

"I know you still wanted to wait with this, but it seems like we don't have a choice anymore. We can get through this, though, I'm sure of it." The blonde nods before grabbing both of my hands and kissing my lips softly.

"I'm going to call me mum now. She has to hear all this from me." The blonde says with a slight frown back in place.

"I'll call management to see when they want to meet about this." I would call my mom as well, but we haven't spoken in a long time and it feels strange to call her out of the blue with this news. Plus, my mom is already pretty aware of my feelings towards Perrie. She has been since the beginning.

The blonde nods her head anxiously and walks into her bedroom, already dialling her mother.

"I should probably get going. It's getting pretty late." I'm already walking towards the door to get my jacket and purse when I feel a hand on my wrist.

"I think that you should stay." Her voice sounds so small, causing me to turn around and give her a worried look. "Just because the paps will probably be standing outside and stuff." The blonde recovers quickly.

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