Chapter 21

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Jade's POV:

There's a faint headache when I wake up the next morning. I didn't go overboard with the drinking last night, but I had still been kind of tipsy.

I slowly walk to the kitchen to get myself a cup of tea and see Perrie leaning against the counter. Without any doubt, I walk over behind her and wrap my arms around her body under her shirt, feeling her soft tummy beneath my hands.

My lips place a soft kiss on her cheek before I hear someone clear their throat, making me jump away from the blonde. My eyes shoot up to meet Emma's glare.

"Sorry, my hands were really cold," I say before turning around and making myself a cup of tea. I make sure to grab the cup tightly to act like I'm warming my hands.

Perrie just remains silent and reads the newspaper. She hasn't even looked at me at all.

My thoughts start racing instantly while my eyes stay focused on my cup of tea. What if she did it again? What if she kissed Emma like she did whit that guy when I was climbing Kilimanjaro?

My stomach turns at the idea of my Perrie kissing someone else, especially this woman standing in her kitchen. I don't know why, but she just gives me a strange vibe.

I grab my cup even tighter, trying to hold in the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes. What if Perrie doesn't want to be in this relationship as much as I do? She was really offended by Jesy's joke.

Before I can start crying, I turn around and start walking towards the kitchen door. "Excuse me." My voice breaks, but both women in the kitchen don't react while I make my way into the bathroom.

I need to get out of here.

If I stay here any longer with Perrie acting like this, I won't make it through an hour without breaking down completely.

I quickly change into some clothes and put on some light makeup before walking to the front door. When I pass the kitchen, I hear Perrie and Emma laughing loudly at something.

For a second, I contemplate eavesdropping, but I decide against it and get out of the apartment. I really want to talk to someone about how the younger Geordie is acting, but if I talk to Jesy or Leigh they might choose a side and that's the last thing I want.

That's why twenty minutes later, I'm knocking on Danielle's door.

"Jade, god, I missed you like crazy. Get your ass inside." The brunette says excitedly while pulling me inside with her.

After telling Danielle everything that has been going on, I'm feeling even worse. The idea of Perrie cheating seems very likely.

I've treated her like shit, so maybe she is just giving me what I deserve.

"Jade? JADE?" I shake my head and look back at Dani.

"Stop stressing out. Maybe Emma is to Perrie what I am to you. An old friend."

"Then why is she ignoring me?"

Danielle shakes her head a little in thought. "I don't know. You'll have to talk to her about that."

Just then, my phone starts ringing with Perrie's caller ID popping up. Hesitating, I look at Dani, who gives me a thumbs up.

Pressing the phone to my ear, I take a deep breath before talking. "Perrie?"

"Where are you? I'm at your apartment and you're not here? You just leave my place without telling me and then you're not even at your apartment. Where the hell are you, Jade?"

Saying that the blonde sounds pissed would be an understatement. At first, I feel intimidated by her bossy tone, but it quickly turns into anger.

"And why would you care? You didn't even give me as much as a look this morning, so I figured you really didn't care if I was there or not."

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