Chapter 7

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Perrie's POV

I was still sitting on the couch, just staring ahead. What did those words mean? Did she like me in some kind of way, or was she just pitying me? And why would she kiss me so close to my mouth?

"You okay there, Pez?" Jesy says worriedly as she walks in. I look up at her and nod my head with a smile. "So, Jade knows?"

She sits down on the place where Jade was just sitting and grabs my hand. "She does. And she isn't freaked out, she just didn't have a clue."

Jesy smiles and pulls me in for a hug. "I'm happy for you, Perrie."

"You're really never going to say you told me so, are you?" She pulls away chuckling, and for a second, I think about telling her Jade's last words, but I decide against it. I want to figure out what she meant by that on my own.

When we get back to the other girls, they have already changed clothes, but I don't want to keep them waiting, so I just grab my bag and walk with them to the car.

I sit in the back of the car, where I have been for the last few weeks, and to my surprise, Jade sits down next to me. "You want to come to my place?" The brunette almost whispers to me, making me doubt if I heard her right.

"W-what?" I stutter. I realized that once I told her, we would go back to normal, but I didn't expect it this fast.

"I still have loads of Chinese food in my fridge and I want some Jerrie time. I've missed you." She says in a hushed tone so Leigh and Jesy can't hear.

"Sure," I answer, nodding my head and looking back forward. My breath hitches in my throat when she surprises me even more by leaning her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes, I relax under her and it actually feels nice to have her back like this.

When we get to her building, she jokingly jumps on my back. "I'm tired, so I decided that you have to carry me." She says very close to my ear so that I can feel her breath.

My hands hold her under her knees and I hope it doesn't make her feel uncomfortable. I'm now hyperaware of every physical contact around her.

Apparently, she doesn't care because she rests her chin on my shoulder as I walk into the elevator. "I'm glad we're good again." The brunette mumbles against my hair.

"Me too. I've missed you too, by the way." The brunette pulls away from my shoulder and when I look to the side, I'm met with vulnerable brown orbs.

"Really?" Her voice is filled with hope. "Of course, Jadey. It killed me to stay away from you." I answer truthfully.

"Didn't seem like it." She mumbles under her breath, but I clearly heard it. Once she sees the look of hurt on my face, she quickly regains herself. "Why did you then? Stay away from me, I mean."

It takes me a second to recover from that earlier statement. Did Jade really feel like it was easy for me to avoid her like that? Does she really think she means so little to me?

"I-uhm, I felt like I couldn't control myself around you and I didn't want to take that risk," I say as we reach her door.

Jade scoots off my back and opens the door for us. I follow the brunette to the kitchen thinking about her words. She thinks it was easy for me. Suddenly I bump into her back because I didn't notice her stopping.

"S-sorry." I stutter, but she just giggles. "Why don't you go change into something more comfortable and I'll get the food."

I walk out of the kitchen quickly and into Jade's bedroom. I don't know what's happening today, but I'm so nervous around her. She makes me feel all kinds of things and with her being so touchy, it just adds to my feelings for her. I need to control myself tonight because otherwise, our friendship will definitely be ruined.

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