Chapter 18

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Jade's POV:

"Remind me why we're doing this again?" I say out of breath and almost falling down.

"I have no idea. We are officially insane." I want to chuckle at Leigh's words, but I'm too exhausted for that.

It's only three days until we're going to climb Kilimanjaro and we are doing our last training before we go up there. If this is an indicator of how it will feel climbing that mountain, I'm not sure if I'll make it.

"Well done, girls! You've made great progress and I think you are ready to do it. Now go home and rest." Our coach tells us before walking out of the room.

When Leigh and I are changing into our normal clothes she finally dares to ask me the question that must have been at the top of her mind those last weeks.

"So... What's going on with you and Pez now?" She asks carefully.

"We are just taking things slow. I need to win her trust back before we can really try again." I answer unenthusiastically.

"You don't seem very happy about that?" Leigh answers knowingly.

"It's just frustrating, you know? I'm sure that I love her and that I want to be with her, but she needs me to be patient. And you know that I'm not very patient. Plus, have you seen Pez? She's basically sex on legs."

Leigh chuckles at my answer but rubs my arm reassuringly. "She'll see soon enough how much you love her and then she'll be all yours. You'll see!"

I smile at my best friend before walking out of the gym. "Where are you headed?"

"I'm going to Perrie's for dinner now. You?" My heart flutters a little at the thought of seeing the blonde.

"I'm going to Andre's. See you in three days, I guess?" I squeal excitedly and hug her tight. "We're going to climb Kilimanjaro, Leigh!!!"

"GET OFF ME, THIRLWALL! YOU'RE SWEATY!" Leigh exclaims and pushes me away from her. I just chuckle at her diva ways and turn around to walk to Perrie's place.

"See ya!"


"Jadey, is that you?" Perrie yells from the kitchen as I enter her apartment.

"You should really learn how to lock your door, Pez. A serial killer can just walk in and kill you." I say at her as I walk past her kitchen.

The blonde just rolls her eyes and continues cooking. "I'm going to take a quick shower and then I'm all yours," I say before walking to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I strip off all my clothes and quickly get under the steaming water from the shower. My muscles relax at the feeling of the water streaming down my body. Oh god, I'm not going to be able to take a shower next week.

I try to enjoy my shower as much as possible without taking too long. I don't want Pez to have to wait for me. She tends to get kind of hangry when she has to wait for food.

After fifteen minutes, I jump out of the shower and wrap a fluffy towel around my body. Seconds later, the door opens and Perrie walks in.

Her bright blue eyes scan my body quickly before she smiles up at me sweetly. "Dinner is ready."

I smile back at her. "Okay, I'll be quick!" Perrie just keeps looking at me and sits herself down on the closed lid of the toilet.

"Uhm-Pez? I still need to get dressed." I say nervously as I feel my cheeks heating up.

"Hmmm," The blonde hums but stays seated anyway. Perrie starts nibbling her lower lip as her eyes stay focused on my body.

I try to glare at her, but I don't think I look really threatening in my flustered state. Her only reaction is folding her hands in her lap and raising one eyebrow at me.

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