𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 #34

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narnia stared at dave, bewildered about the question he asked.

for the first time, events from the previous day resurfaced in narnia's mind.

her chest repeatedly accelerated, as she began to hyperventilate. her hands and body shook. "oh, no." narnia breathed out, always as if she never said anything.

dave furrowed his eyebrows, stepping back a bit to see what was wrong with narnia.

"narnia. . . narnia!" dave shook her by her shoulders. "talk to me, boo, what's wrong?" he grabbed her face, forcing their eyes too meet.

he held narnia's shaking hands, as tears streamed down her brown skin.

". . . i killed them. i–" narnia choked on her words, averting her eyes away from dave's.

she took a deep breath, before starting up again. she looked back up into dave's hooded brown eyes.

"i killed them, dave."
"who is 'them', nia?"
"the people who tried to take me. . . my mom, i think."
"what happened, boo? what they do?" dave asked urgently, pulling a strand of narnia's blonde hair behind her ear.

narnia blinked, trying to form her words.

"she came in my room. . . with three men. she said, 'master' wanted my body. she told me, i was going to be with him forever. i said no, then i stabbed her in her chest. . . two times."

"she charged her guys on me. . .with my kitchen knife, i stabbed them in their eyes, necks, and stomachs."

". . . the last one, tried to um. . ." narnia trailed off, blinking rapidly, trying to keep from choking up. "he tried to take advantage of me."

narnia grimaced, as she continued. "i was a little theatrical with him."

". . . after everything happened, i left and ended up at the paybox – waiting for you."

narnia looked down, waiting to get screamed at, rejected, or thrown out.

instead, dave laughed, surprising narnia. "you're a little firecracker, huh? i would've never expected that from you."

narnia scrunched her face. "wait, so you're not going to turn me in? or kick me out?"

dave stopped smiling. "narnia you killed to save your life. i saw so many things in my life, things people have done for their own pleasure. but, you fought to live."

"what if you didn't fight back, huh? they would've took you, and by the time i found you, it would've been to late."

"i'd lose my best friend."

dave ended his rant, going silent, waiting for a response from narnia.

". . . i didn't think of it that way." narnia looked away from dave's intense gaze, gently rubbing her chilled arms.

"what about my things? the blood? the bodies? the fingerprints—"

"aye, i got you. i'll take care of all that." dave promised.

𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚗𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 // dave.eastWhere stories live. Discover now