Chapter 10: Save Me..

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Lexi's POV

I want to get out of here. I need to get out of here. Like now. I don't want to die. I know that's what they'll do. Or they'll use me as bait. Either one doesn't sound like a good time. Why did they only take me? What about the others? They burst into our new, supposed to be secret house. They knew I was there. Why did they only want me? What did I do?

Harry's POV

I started to walk away from Brittany and everyone. I was about to cry and I couldn't in front of them.

"Harry..." I heard Brittany say. I stopped walking and turned towards them.

"What?" I said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize how hard it was on you. I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I just have a lot of stress right now. We have to figure out who took Lexi." She said getting teary eyed.

"Don't cry love. We'll find her. She's strong. And you've seen her when she's angry. She'll put up a fight." I said comforting her.

"He's right." Zayn said. "She is tough but after what happened on the way here, do you think she'll fight back?" Zayn continued to say making the situation worse.

"Zayn has a point. I mean she's lost control of her emotions. She gets angry and upset easily." Niall spoke out.

"She let her walls down and fell for you Harry. Who knows what she thinks." Tina said.

"That's it!" Louis yelled cheerfully. "Niall can hear thoughts! Maybe he can hear hers! Or he can send her a mind message!" Louis said like he was the smartest person on earth.

"He's right. Oh my god Louis you're a genius." Becky said.

Niall started to concentrate on her.

Lexi's POV

Where are they taking me? I can't see anything? I was to busy thinking and they put a bag over my head and put me in chains that I couldn't break. I'm terrified. I wish the girls and the guys would help me if they knew where I was. Wait... They want them to come. They're using me to get them to help me but they'll just get captured to. Omg. How could I be so stupid.

All of a sudden I was thrown onto the ground and screamed because I still had glass in me. It hurt like hell.


Niall was saying stuff she was thinking and we were writing. I wasn't. I was to busy listening to everything. Then all of a sudden, Niall fell onto the ground and screamed and rolled in pain. We all came to his side.

"Lexi..." Was all he said. I am pissed. They're hurting her and Niall. Oh hell no.

Lexi's POV

I knew that didn't only hurt me, but Niall also. Then I heard something I didn't expect.

'Lexi, Lexi can you hear me? This is Niall. I'm sending you a mind message. Just think yes if you can hear me.'


'Omg yes it worked. Okay, okay. Lexi listen where are you? We need to help you. We can come find you.'

'I'm not telling you. They want you to come. They know you'll try and save me, but they'll get you too. I'm sorry. Just tell everyone I love them. I know I won't stay alive. I've given up. So sorry for the pain that will cause you. Sorry that you'll have to experience me death. Tell everyone I'm also sorry. For everything. Bye forever Niall. I'm going to block you from my mind. Bye my brother. Live a nice life.... Without me.'

I blocked him out. The last conversation we'll ever have. I'll miss them.

Niall's POV

My heart shattered at her words.

'Lexi! Lexi! No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!'

She blocked me out. I started crying. Everyone kept asking me things. I turned to Harry. He loves her I know he does. Its obvious. I heard his thoughts. His mind is racing. His heart is pounding. He's getting teary eyed.

"She said she loves everyone. She knows she won't make it out alive. She's sorry for everything. She blocked me from her mind. She's given up. She said they'll get us too. I don't know who they are." I looked Harry dead in the eye the whole time I said that. Then I entered his mind.

'No. No. No. Why? Why does this have to happen? She can't die! I need her! We want her hear! Why did she block Niall? Did she really give up..? She can't. I love her. With everything I have. I truly love her. She's perfect..' 

I left his mind. Then I looked closely at everyone. They were all in tears. They're all breaking down. No one can stop themselves this time.

I looked down and slowly walked upstairs. I looked at her bedroom door. We broke it down. I could see some of her blood. I slowly walked over and looked in the room. Then I saw something. I went over to pick it up. As soon as I put my hand on it, I saw something. It was a vision. A vision of Lexi. She was laying on the ground. Not moving or breathing. A huge puddle of blood surrounding her. There were two guys standing behind her. And one in front of her. They were in some run down building. It was bright outside. Then I realized something. Those guys....
are vampire hunters.

The vision ended and I screamed for everyone.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter. Secrets were revealed. I'll update soon. Bye lovelies.


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