Chapter 3: Powers

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Lexi's POV

The girls and I decided we should figure out what Liam's powers are. Were going to have to hurt him in the process but we heal quickly so.....

He didn't go blood crazy around the boys. He didn't even want to eat from a human. Only animals. He likes animal blood. Which is rare for vampires but eh whatever floats his boat.

With him being able to control himself easily it's an advantage for the girls and I. We don't have to follow his every move. Or make sure he doesn't go crazy and we have to protect people.

The boys are living with us now. They know to much. Also there blood is very strong and sweet smelling so there a good quick target.

Were moving soon because this house is small. Also, people are finally starting to notice a lot of people disappearing.

There is a lot of stuff going on. Perrie is also moving in with us. Having a werewolf on our side will keep all of us more safe.

We still have to get the boys stuff. I don't really talk to the boys. I mostly talk to Niall. He's like a older but younger brother. I was bit when I was 18. So I still look like I'm 18 but ready I'm 146 years old.

Zayn is quiet but he's still funny. Harry is a weird, cheeky, silly, flirty boy. He flirts with Jade all the time. She doesn't like him though.

Louis is sassy, funny, outgoing, and different. Liam is sensible, responsible, caring, understand, and silly at times.

All the boys besides Liam are still a little scared of us. We always mess with them. Act like we're gonna suck their blood. The funny thing is they fall for it all the time.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was one of the boys. I know because I can hear his heart beating.

I looked to see Harry.... naked. I screamed and quickly covered my eyes. I heard his heartbeat speed up and him run up the stairs. That was..... I don't even know. I uncovered my eyes.

I heard his footsteps again so I automatically covered my eyes. Then I heard his raspy morning voice.

"You can uncover you eyes. I have sweats on." He said. I slowly uncovered my eyes. He was wearing his sweats but he was shirtless.

Damn I didn't know he had that much tattoos. I don't understand the butterfly. He was fit.

"Oh, sorry for before. It's a habit and I didn't think anyone was uh awake." He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Its ok I guess." I said and smiled at him. He smiled back showing his dimples.

I love his smile. No shut up mind. Don't even think about falling.

***Skipping To Training***

Liam's POV (surprise)

I'm standing in the middle of a field. The girls are about 20 feet away from me. There all in a circle around me.

I'm nervous about this. Being a vampire isn't too bad for me. They said this will hurt though.

"Ok Liam, I'm going first. My special power is electricity. Just try to fight back. Use your mind on try to focus on a certain thing." Becky said.

I nodded. I suddenly felt a horrible shocking pain. I screamed and feel on the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut. This hurts so bad.

"Fight back Liam!" Lexi yelled at me. She wasn't telling me to she was commanding me to.

I took a big breath and slowly stood up. The pain still going through my body. I heard the boys cheering.

"Try blocking the pain!" Lexi commanded. I tried and tried but it wasn't working.

"Ok stop." Lexi said to Becky. All of the pain disappeared. I sighed. I was glad that was over.

"My turn." Lexi said. She scared me. She's the most powerful. I don't even know her power. I looked over at Lexi. She brought her hand up and shot a ball of fire. It was coming right at me. I quickly put my hands up covering my face. I waited for the impact of the fire but it never happened.

I slowly moved my hands and there was a shield guarding me. The fire was surrounding the shield. I finally figured out how to close the shield.

The boys were looking at me with amazement. I turned to look at Lexi who had a huge smirk.

"Looks like we found your power, Liam." Lexi said. I smiled in accomplishment.

We all walked back over to the boys. I saw Perrie standing next to them. She smiled a sweet smile at me, which I returned.

"Good job Liam. It's impressive. I've never met a vampire who could shield themselves before." Perrie said.

"Why thank you, Perrie." I said politely. She smiled.

"Ok guys we will be mov-" Lexi was cut off by a low growl.

Lexi's POV

I was cut off by a low growl. Everyone's head snapped in the direction of were the growl came from.

The scent was not familiar. I hissed and showed my fangs. The girls did the same and Liam. Perrie turned into her wolf form.

Whoever it was slowly crept out. It was a werewolf. It had a beautiful white coat and one brown eye the other was blue.


Small cliffhanger. I hope you guys like the chapter. Vote and comment.


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